My Adderall is Running Out! What Do I Do?
My Adderall is Running Out! What Do I Do?
Adderall is a staple for many of those who suffer from ADHD. Yet because of a supply chain problem, pharmacies are dealing with problematic shortages for those who rely on this vital medication. What to do if you find yourself in this situation? Dr. B. says don't panic, take a deep breath and listen to his tips on how to weather the Adderall shortage without too much stress.
Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break down issues and problems from a mental health perspective. From the incessant stresses of the pandemic to untangling relationship problems, Dr. B's years of experience help piece together the messiest of life's problems.