DiscoverBee Curious PodcastNFT Expert Breaks Down The Communities, Project And Opportunities
NFT Expert Breaks Down The Communities, Project And Opportunities

NFT Expert Breaks Down The Communities, Project And Opportunities

Update: 2022-11-04


00:00:00 - Jake Gallen

00:00:32 - What are the Top NFT’s?

00:02:49 - Have you ever been given an NFT?

00:03:04 - How far back to NFTs go?

00:04:17 - How do you define an NFT?

00:08:48 - How to Sell an NFT?

00:10:07 - How Much is the Mona Lisa worth?

00:11:26 - Break down why the "24 hour volume" is useful?

00:13:36 - Break down why the "floor price" volume is useful?

00:14:18 - What is a 10k PFP collection?

00:15:26 - Centralization and the tri-lema of cryptocurrency

00:16:59 - IP Rights VS CCO

00:20:00 - Jake’s person opinion on centralization within the NFT community

00:20:23 - What are your views on wealthy people and their power?

00:22:35 - Can you explain token gated access events and parties?

00:28:07 - Why are domain names considered the original NFT of the Internet?

00:29:10 - Why it will be important to own a .eth domain name in the future of web3

00:31:14 - What if I bought a .eth address as an investment?

00:32:01 - A metaphor for Web3 that is similar to Microsoft versus Apple

00:33:23 - The story of how namecoin became one of the original NFT black chains

00:35:27 - Why Rare Pepes are the final boss

00:36:04 - Owning a Shiba Inu dog is an animal form of an NFT

00:36:46 - CLONE X

00:37:00 - GoblinTown

00:44:06 - About Jakes Account

00:44:44 - Can you explain on chain generative art

00:47:16 - On-Chain Accessories: Will It be Popular?

00:49:05 - At the bitcoin block level is anything valuable like an NFT

00:49:39 - How does the function OP_Return work?

00:49:56 - How was an additional layer called counterparty built on bitcoin to give it token functionality?

00:51:01 - The fascinating history of Umbrella Token

00:51:41 - Are most NFTs a good investment?

00:53:16 - Why it’s important to understand digital ownership before the metaverse becomes mainstream

00:55:23 - Are NFTs just the history of something?

00:56:01 - Why it’s important to understand what digital assets markets should be built around

00:57:56 - What is Mark Zuckerberg known as in the NFT World?

00:58:21 - What does the crypto and NFT community think of Mark Zuckerberg and Meta?

01:00:24 - Give us an overview of the basic NFT Community gossip. Influential Crypto enemies, frenemies and friends

01:02:46 - Why the big tech companies are so against web 3.0

01:03:21 - Is there a future where you can get paid like universal basic income just for sharing your data

01:04:01 - How do you think crypto could act as a universal basic income?

01:05:47 - How will the future of NFTs look?

01:07:00 - Growing up will be different knowing everything you do will be forever record it on the block chain

01:09:58 - Is there a project that will rival YouTube and videos will be NFTs

01:13:16 - The future of Music NFT collections

01:16:16 - Why celebrities are less intimidating now that social media gives us a chance to understand them.

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NFT Expert Breaks Down The Communities, Project And Opportunities

NFT Expert Breaks Down The Communities, Project And Opportunities

Bee Curious Podcast