Non-Dual Tantra with Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan
Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan is a Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine at Oakland University School of Medicine in MI. She has studied Advaita Vedanta at the Chinmaya Mission, the Direct Path with Greg Goode, Śrīvidyā with Śri Śivapremananda, and Non-dual Śaiva Tantra (also known as Kashmir Śaivisim) with Paul Muller-Ortega and Sally Kempton. Her workshops, courses and writings strive to bring these time-honored traditions to modern living in practical ways. She is the author of The Heart of Wellness, Shakti Rising , and Glorious Alchemy: Living the Lalitā Sahasranāma.
You can learn more about Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan, the Śabda Institute and all of her books at her website: or
You can also listen to her chanting the Lalitã Sahasranãma here: