DiscoverLive Behind The VeilOUR ONENESS IN HIS LOVE


Update: 2024-07-05



A new realm of oneness has opened up to the family of God. The very foundation of this oneness is the Lordship of Jesus Christ and our love for the Father and one another. In this oneness our individuality is swallowed up as we function as His family in His love.


Show Notes:

  • A realm of oneness has opened up in which we all participate together in something bigger that ourselves.

  • This realm of oneness is not based on all of us believing the same doctrine or teaching.

  • This oneness is based on the Lordship of Jesus Christ and our open hearts to one another.

  • As we function in this realm all our differences fade away as we are aware of our love for one another.

  • This is a new day, the day of Spirit. It’s a day that our Father is perfecting our spirit.

  • Any personal issues and battle is not your battle, but something coming against the oneness of Christ in His family.

  • As we function as a family in this oneness, we stop thinking of ourselves and are totally engulfed in our love for one another.

  • It’s all about the love of God in us.

  • That’s what honors God. You shall love the Lord your God with all of your mind, your heart, and strength. That’s your individual relationship with God. That;s where it begins.

  • As we enter this realm of oneness we begin to love our brother with the same love as we love God.

  • It’s this grace for one another flowing back and forth. We freely been given, and we freely give this life for one another.



  • God has opened a realm of oneness where we participate together in the love of Christ.

  • We walk with as an individual, then we begin to walk with God together.

  • There's a consciousness of participating in a bigger thing than ourselves.

  • We've come to this level not because we all believe the same exact doctrine or teachings about any given thing.

  • It's a oneness that we're experiencing that I don't think we've ever experienced to the degree it's happening right now, and I think it has a lot to do with the day we're living in.

  • Our oneness is the most effective way that we can function and we are family.

  • We stand together and we see the authority and the anointing and the power of God function through us because of our oneness.

  • The thing that under-girds it all is the love of Christ for one another. That is the foundation of this oneness, this realm that God has brought us into.

  • I'm going to have an open spirit, I'm going to have an open heart, I'm going to be submissive to Christ's Lordship. Those are very specific things that are worked into us so that we can abide in this realm.

  • ...when you stand in it, all you can know is your love for your brother and your sister. What other differences you would have they seem to fade away because we're in this realm together.

  • ...if we recognize personal issues and personal warfare coming up, right then, that it's not your battle, it's the battle against Christ and His oneness among us.

  • You get lost in the fellowship of the believers and loving each member so much, you can't even think about yourself.

  • We are functioning together to be a release for each other. You start doing it and you lose sight of your own things that are going on in your life and you get caught up in the reality of how this body functions and it is a Beautiful thing.

  • I think it all has to do with the love of God.

  • We come into a realm where our love for one another is the same as our love for God.

  • It’s a whole new creation and we choose to live as a new creation. We are not bound by yesterday.



John 14:2-3

(There are many dwelling places)

Philippians 3:20

(The colony of the kingdom) The Passion translation.

John 17:21-25

(Our oneness in God and one another)

John 3:17

For God sent not the Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through him.

Matthew 22:37-40

(Love your neighbor as yourself)

Philippians 2:3

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves.



We find our dwelling place that was prepared for us by following “I prepared a place for you.” In the footsteps of Jesus Christ He opened the door and led the way that we all dwell in His house.








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The Epistles