DiscoverLive Behind The VeilThe Mystery Of God’s Love Revealed
The Mystery Of God’s Love Revealed

The Mystery Of God’s Love Revealed

Update: 2024-08-28


God’s love isn’t human love and therefore we don’t understand many times the things He leads us into to grow us up. He doesn't pamper our adamic nature and yet as a good Father He disciplines us for our good so that our hearts are prepared to receive His righteousness.


Show Notes:

  • God’s love removes any withdraw in our spirit’s to Him.

  • Everything about God is love – He is love.

  • God does not pamper our flesh nature, but is concerned that His nature is formed in us.

  • We must learn to hate the adamic nature that will not follow Christ.

  • We must know God’s love for us in every circumstance and relationship we find our selves in.

  • God devastates areas of our lives so that He might fill those areas.

  • God must prepare our hearts to receive His love.

  • God doesn't love or meet you the way you want Him to.

  • God’s plan for us is hidden and He will unveil it in His timing.



  • As we begin to move into this new realm of knowing the love of the Father. It completely removes any propensity for withdrawal.

  • God's love is something that is the human condition and the adamic nature will never understand.

  • God is love. His Word is love. Everything about God is love. His patience, and the way He deals with us is all love.

  • He does not pamper our flesh. And He does not show sympathy to it.

  • We learn to hate the thing of Adam that we see in us, that we know down deep does not open up the way that it could or should.

  • We're going to have to be strong in our faith, knowing that God does love us, and that what He's doing is for our own good, because He's bringing us into conformity to His Son.

  • How the love of the Father just devastates what we are after the flesh. But we're talking about being emptied out, so that He can fill us in a greater way.

  • So we get to share the holiness of God. And we get the peaceful fruit of righteousness, all because of the discipline that we endure…

  • We can't receive the unselfish power of God's love until He's created in us the capacity to receive it.

  • He's not going to love you the way you want Him to love you. He's not going to appear to you the way you want Him to appear to you, because it's to your detriment. It's not growing you up into what He wants you to be. It never makes sense because we are not there yet.

  • ...we don't get to see the work in progress so much. The day will come, when the covers taken off and we'll see it in its completion and we'll marvel.



Genesis 3 (The story of the fall)

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Luke 14:26 If a person comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife, and children, and brethren and sisters, and moreover his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

Hebrews 12:11 For the moment, all discipline seems not to be pleasant, but painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.


God is love ,and although we recognize God’s love is a mystery to us and His discipline is very painful sometimes, yet as we submit to His dealings in our lives it prepares our hearts to receive His love in a grater way, and yields the peaceful fruit of His righteousness.









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The Mystery Of God’s Love Revealed

The Mystery Of God’s Love Revealed

The Epistles