DiscoverLive Behind The VeilThe Reality Of Christ Living In You
The Reality Of Christ Living In You

The Reality Of Christ Living In You

Update: 2024-09-13



The maturing process brings us to the point where we have a response to people that is not our own thinking. We realize we have received an impartation of God's Spirit, which flows out to others. Instead of responding with the human mind, the words come from deep within in what He has made us. Now it is possible to begin to recognize each other as that new creation in the Body of Christ.

Show Notes:

  • The reality of having Christ in our heart can come through at any time showing us how much He has created us. It is not just for yourself in your relationship with Him, but also for an outflow to give to others.

  • We can begin to discover the amount of preparation He has given us, so that we can minister from that flow of living water that He has given us.

  • As we reject the human mind and draw on Him for the mind of Christ, we are receiving His thinking. It draws that “knowing Him” that unveils His many qualities that become part of the flow of Spirit.

  • Rather than speaking from the intellect, there is a flow of the Spirit, being open for the Lord to transform us.

  • This is not about dissecting why we are or how we function, but participating in the many membered body in an opportunity to see how perfectly knit together we are becoming.

  • What comes out of this participation is that each one begins to learn who they are themselves and who each other is.



  • There is a response that comes out of you that is not your thinking on a human level, but it's the thinking that comes out of knowing Him and having received impartation of who He is.

  • The human mind is enmity against God and that is why the Scripture says to put on the mind of Christ.

  • God created each one of us just exactly the way we are.

  • God chooses the lame, halt and blind because He is not interested in our great abilities for scholarship or any of that. He is interested in our hearts being open to Him so that He can impart His Spirit.

  • Are you willing to be Christ in the earth?



John 7:38 “He who believes in Me,” as Scripture has said, “from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”

John 16:12 “I have many more things to say to you, but they are too much for you now.”

John 7:37 “If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink”

Matt 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

I Cor 4:3 “It is a very small thing that I should be examined by you or by any human court, in fact, I don't examine myself.”

Matt 4:19 “Come follow Me” Jesus said, “ and I will make you fishers of men”


The day is upon us when we can truly experience Christ being in our heart and the reality of our becoming rivers of living water. This inspires us to give over for our minds to be transformed. We reach into the Spirit for Him to speak through us, until we grow in our awareness that He is living in us more and more every day.









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The Reality Of Christ Living In You

The Reality Of Christ Living In You

The Epistles