Open Source Quantum. An Interview with Nathan Shammah.
In this episode, we explore the world of open source quantum computing with Nathan Shammah, CTO of the Unitary Fund. We explore the intersection of open source software and quantum technology, discussing the importance of community-driven projects and the impact of initiatives like Unitary Hack on the advancement of the quantum field. Find out more on the evolution of quantum software, the collaborative ecosystem of quantum computing, and get a glimpse of what the future holds for quantum algorithm development.
(03:22 - 05:23 ) Unitary Fund and Open Source Software (121 Seconds)
(09:54 - 11:15 ) Exploring Quantum Computing and Error Mitigation (82 Seconds)
(16:11 - 18:16 ) Error Mitigation Calibration Module in MITIC (125 Seconds)
(20:54 - 22:18 ) Advancing in Quantum Through Unitary Hack (84 Seconds)
(28:30 - 29:50 ) Grants for Open Hardware Projects (80 Seconds)
(37:18 - 40:26 ) Virtual Cores for Quantum Error Mitigation (188 Seconds)
(41:51 - 43:57 ) Quantum Computing Systems and Challenges (126 Seconds)
(49:39 - 50:50 ) Quantum Algorithms and Schor's Algorithm (71 Seconds)
(52:36 - 54:22 ) Emerging Quantum Ecosystem Partnerships (105 Seconds)
(57:14 - 58:35 ) Expanding Community Conferences and Partnerships (81 Seconds)