Quantum transduction and piezo-optomechanics, with Rob Stockill, QphoX.
Episode Highlights:
- Overview of QphoX' role and contributions in the rapidly advancing quantum technology field, especially quantum transducers.
- A look at quantum information technology transduction led by Robert Stockill, QphoX' CTO.
- Focused discussion on recent advancements in quantum transducers, devices converting optical and microwave photons.
- Highlights of the creation of and rigorous testing of quantum transducers.
- Explanation on the functionalities and potential uses of quantum transducers in various use cases.
- Conversation about the future prospects and challenges in the field of quantum technology.
- Rob Stockill's predictions and strategies for overcoming hurdles in quantum transducer development.
QphoX show notes:
The press release for our recent €8 Million investment round can be found here:
For keen listeners you can find a recent article qphox published in Nature Nanotechnology on the technology behind our quantum transducer:
- You can find the published article here:
- You can find a plain-language explainer of our work here:
- The open access pre-print is available here:
And the article where we demonstrated optical frequency readout of a superconducting qubit with Rigetti computing and qblox: