DiscoverThe Dan Le Batard Show with StugotzPTFO - How and Why Athletes (Still) Go Broke
PTFO - How and Why Athletes (Still) Go Broke

PTFO - How and Why Athletes (Still) Go Broke

Update: 2024-07-23


This podcast delves into the complex issue of athletes going broke, despite their high earnings. Host Pablo Torre interviews Todd Bayheim, an expert in athlete wealth management, to uncover the underlying factors contributing to this problem. They discuss the "lure of the tangible," where athletes often invest in physical assets like cars and businesses, driven by a desire for status and relevance. The conversation then shifts to the issue of misplaced trust, where athletes often fall prey to advisors and friends who may not have their best interests at heart. The podcast also explores the impact of analytics on athlete compensation, highlighting how the rise of analytics has created a winner-take-all system in sports, concentrating wealth at the top and reducing the value of mid-level players. This has led to a shorter window of high earnings for many athletes, making financial planning even more crucial. The episode concludes with a reflection on the persistence of the problem and the importance of athletes finding a way to move on from their glory days and embrace a new chapter in their lives.


Athlete Financial Challenges: An Overview

This episode introduces the topic of athletes going broke and introduces Todd Bayheim, an expert in athlete wealth management. They discuss the factors contributing to this problem, including misplaced trust, lack of financial literacy, and the impact of analytics on compensation.

The Lure of the Tangible: Investing in Physical Assets

The episode explores the "lure of the tangible," where athletes often invest in physical assets like cars and businesses, driven by a desire for status and relevance. They also discuss the lack of financial literacy in K-12 education.

Misplaced Trust: Navigating Sudden Wealth

The conversation shifts to the issue of misplaced trust, where athletes often fall prey to advisors and friends who may not have their best interests at heart. They discuss the challenges of navigating sudden wealth and the difficulty of saying no to family and friends.

The Impact of Analytics on Athlete Compensation

Todd explains how the rise of analytics has led to a winner-take-all system in sports, where the middle class of athletes is shrinking. This has a significant impact on financial decisions as athletes face a shorter window of high earnings and a more competitive landscape.

Conclusion: Moving On from Glory Days

Pablo reflects on the key takeaways from the conversation, emphasizing the persistence of the problem of athletes going broke despite increased resources and awareness. He highlights the importance of athletes finding a way to move on from their glory days and embrace a new chapter in their lives.


Athlete Wealth Management

The field of financial planning and investment advice specifically tailored to professional athletes, considering their unique financial circumstances, career trajectory, and potential risks.

Lure of the Tangible

The tendency for individuals, particularly athletes, to invest in physical assets like cars, real estate, or businesses, often driven by a desire for status, visibility, and a sense of tangible wealth.

Misplaced Trust

The act of placing faith in individuals or entities that may not be trustworthy, often leading to financial losses or exploitation. This is a common issue for athletes who suddenly gain wealth and may be vulnerable to those seeking to take advantage.

Financial Literacy

The knowledge and understanding of financial concepts, including budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. Lack of financial literacy is a significant factor contributing to financial difficulties among athletes.


The use of data and statistical analysis to evaluate performance and make informed decisions. In sports, analytics has led to a shift in player valuation and compensation, favoring high-performing individuals and reducing the value of mid-level players.

Winner-Take-All System

A system where a disproportionate share of rewards goes to a small number of top performers, leaving a large majority with limited opportunities and resources. This is increasingly prevalent in sports, where the gap between top earners and the rest is widening.


  • What are some of the key reasons why athletes go broke?

    Athletes often face challenges like misplaced trust in advisors, lack of financial literacy, and a tendency to invest in tangible assets for status. The compressed time frame for earning their highest income also contributes to poor financial decisions.

  • How has the rise of analytics impacted athlete compensation and financial decisions?

    Analytics has created a winner-take-all system in sports, concentrating wealth at the top and reducing the value of mid-level players. This has led to a shorter window of high earnings for many athletes, making financial planning even more crucial.

  • What role should leagues and players' associations play in addressing the issue of athlete financial literacy?

    While leagues and players' associations have a responsibility to provide resources and education, there's a debate about how much they should intervene. Some argue for a more proactive approach, while others believe athletes should take more personal responsibility for their financial decisions.

  • What are some practical tips for athletes to avoid financial pitfalls?

    Athletes should be cautious about misplaced trust, seek advice from reputable professionals, and be wary of predatory lenders. They should also prioritize financial literacy, understand their contracts, and be mindful of their spending habits.

  • What is the long-term impact of the athlete financial literacy problem?

    The issue of athletes going broke has broader implications for the sports industry, the economy, and society as a whole. It highlights the need for better financial education, responsible investment practices, and a more equitable distribution of wealth in sports.

Show Notes

From a college dorm room to an 18-car garage, there is no "psychological mindf**k" quite like becoming a millionaire overnight. But a supermajority of athletes continue to squander their compressed window of lottery-like earnings. On the 15th anniversary of his seminal story for Sports Illustrated, "How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke," Pablo gets an honest re-appraisal from wealth-management advisor Todd Burach — and brave testimony from Justin Pugh and Antoine Walker — on where stars really are just like us when it comes to financial literacy, haves and have-nots... and pre-nups. Plus: Magic Johnson's one simple rule for staying rich, a heat-check on the entourage bullsh*t meter and the French Bulldog Cold War brewing in NFL locker rooms.

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PTFO - How and Why Athletes (Still) Go Broke

PTFO - How and Why Athletes (Still) Go Broke

Dan Le Batard, Stugotz