Plays With His Sister
Blind Mike and Jon in Warren are in-studio. Biodude and Steve from Gloucester returns tomorrow (00:00:30 ). Drew the Troll questions why Justin doesn't call out Kirk for saying Bubba might die (00:01:45 ). Bubba is out of the hospital and doing okay. MikeyGrabBag gets Dale Arnold to do a cameo for Bubba from Justin (00:16:40 ). Mike goes off on Mut calling him an asshole (00:32:20 ). Frank the Tank is an elite asshole for leaving Feitelberg's apartment trashed (00:36:20 ). Elle Duncan rips a harmless Daniel Jones press conference apart (00:50:43 ). Ian Rappaport is not upset with Mike Mularkey for feeding him bad information to report. Jon discusses his neighborhood Chili cook-off (01:04:10 ). Jon wants to know how much attention Kirk will pay to the network after his retires (01:34:50 ). Chuck Woolery dead at the age of 83. Game Show host Mount Rushmore.
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