Podcast #31: Back To The Beginning
Welcome welcome! You are listening to Sandi Ballard – lead motivator at Growing Forward coaching. It is Monday, and you are listening to week 31 of my Monday Motivation podcasts.
Thank you for listening. If you are here for the 1st time, thank you and please take a few minutes to go back to week 1 and listen! Actually that’s not a bad idea for ALL of you to do. Go back to the beginning! And start again!
That’s this weeks theme! Going back to the beginning. I’ve been talking about, well or harping on the last few podcasts about finishing the year strong. How can you do that if you’re starting to feel a bit stressed out about “HOW”?
Why, yet again did you NOT... (FILL IN THE BLANK HERE)
What didn’t you do? Get 5 new clients? Achieve the goal weight? Make more $$? Get your house updated? Or perhaps start that business you’ve been “thinking about” for EVER!
Tell me. I want to know! Email me at sballard@growingforward.biz (or comment here)
And then listen to this weeks podcast to understand how to go "back to the beginning" to figure out why you didn't achieve what you set out to.