Podcast #5: Become Your Best YOU!
As I spoke about in the previous podcast – I help people realize their potential. Sometimes you don’t SEE the same things others do. AH YES, PERCEPTION. We’ll get into that in another podcast and be ready – perception is NOT reality! Wasted talent…so what do I mean by that?
We’ve seen the obvious ones – you know, the 7’ kid who we assume he plays basketball yet he doesn’t even like sports. Yes, there are those, but what I am referring to is when people have a special gift – an eye for creativity, perhaps they’re gifted in the food industry, cleaning business, sales – whatever it is, they kind of know they are as they’ve done things for FREE, or for pay, they get excited, they start making progress and then BAM! Eh I don't want to work that hard. It’s more fun doing it for free. They walk away from what “they said” was their dream to become. THAT MY FRIENDS IS WASTED-FRIGGN-TALENT. So close. Such amazing things happening, perhaps a bump in the road and then they just turn and run. *sigh*
(You can Refer to podcast 2 and 3 where I discuss fear killing your goals and dreams.)
in sense just BEING the best YOU you can be. We can’t always be “on” – fun, funny, nice, giving, etc…but when we aren’t, that gives people around you to notice and ask how you are. What’s going on, how they can help. Or, if you aren’t in a good place in life – are you ok living in that “world”? Would you want, “Heart of Gold but always a Bitch” written on your tombstone?!! Mine would say, “100% empathic, authentic. If it was on your mind, I was already saying it. If you were lucky enough to be in my World, you were always considered a friend.
And this “becoming the best YOU” goes way beyond personality. It’s about who you want to be – a well known artist. A highly respected professor. A business person. A chef – perhaps a restaurant owner. Teacher…. Make sense?
So you’ve decided you want to become this amazing person. Now what?
How. Well, I guess you better listen in, eh?! Start defining the WHAT behind the WHO. Because without the “what”, you’ll just be whoever you become.
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