Podcast 5 - with Fanny Zschau interviewed by Nadja Raabe
Fanny Zschau, queen of content and founder of Digital Diva Deluxe I Media Services, in 2007, and the initiator and Member of the Board of Digital Diva Deluxe I The Network e. V. She is a highly trained journalist and sinologist worked during various university semesters in Boston and Taipei. From 1989 on, she worked as a freelance journalist for the German newspaper Tagesspiegel and one of the largest publishing groups in Europe Gruner + Jahr and volunteered at the economic magazine Wirtschaft & Markt. As a corporate communication and corporate publishing specialist, In addition to various print and online publications for companies from A – such as Audi and Z – such as Zed Germany, she also developed and reevaluated internal publications. As Editor in Chief for the magazines of DeTeWe and ImmobilienScout24, she relocated to Berlin in 2001, many digital adventures later she is now head of sales and business partner at EXBERLINER and working with digital platforms on many different levels. Have a listen and have fun with our fifth podcast!