Podcast 7 - with Eileen Petzold Bradley interviewed by Nadja Raabe
This time Eileen Petzold Bradley is a guest at our regular podcast series, launching every second Sunday in 2020.
Have a break: have a podcast moment!
Have a listen to our wonderful guest, who is originally from Panama, brings the sun into your heart, has built a virtue around LISTENING and invites you to share her perspective on things.
Eileen Petzold Bradley aka epbradley, consultant, cultural diplomat and coach, has been an entrepreneur in Germany for many years.
She knows how it feels to be an expat and start your life in another country and has worked with many generations, and people with all kinds of background and professions.
Listen this week to her story and check out her new website: epbradley.com
EP Bradley coaching helps clients to remove obstacles and barriers to success, get down to the roots of conflict, and finally foster transformation and needed change.
Company benefits include improved employee commitment, performance, and efficiency, reduced workplace conflict, new leadership abilities to manage difficult situations and personalities, and better cross-cultural understanding and communication skills leading to a healthier workplace atmosphere.
Listen to our podcast this Sunday and tune into:
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