DiscoverThe Dan Le Batard Show with StugotzPostgame Show: Hello? Pete? Hit King? Pete? Charlie Hustle? Hello?
Postgame Show: Hello? Pete? Hit King? Pete? Charlie Hustle? Hello?

Postgame Show: Hello? Pete? Hit King? Pete? Charlie Hustle? Hello?

Update: 2024-07-241


The podcast begins with upbeat music and a brief introduction mentioning "Giraffe King's Network." The conversation then shifts to a series of unclear discussions, with names like "Peech," "Jesus," and "Ellie Delacruz" being mentioned repeatedly. The context remains unclear, but the conversation touches on topics like "blocks," illegal activities, and coordination. The conversation continues with more names being mentioned, including "Chris Sabo," "Bronson O'Royal," and "Parkster," with the context remaining unclear. The conversation then shifts to discussions about devices, destinations, and the Iranian proxy group Hezbollah, with names like "Charlie Hezzle" and "Restigation" being mentioned. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about "crimes" and "games," with the speaker mentioning "Ken Griffey" and "Pete Rose," possibly referring to sports figures. The conversation then touches on gang violence and the speaker's preference for watching TV, with the speaker mentioning "Danny" and expressing concern about the prevalence of gangs. The conversation then focuses on an HBO documentary about Pete Rose, with the speaker mentioning the documentary's premiere date and availability on different platforms. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about barbecue grilling, with the speaker, Mike Ryan, asking for suggestions and then promoting Miller Light beer.


Introduction and Unclear Conversation

The podcast begins with upbeat music and a brief introduction mentioning "Giraffe King's Network." The conversation then shifts to a series of unclear discussions, with names like "Peech," "Jesus," and "Ellie Delacruz" being mentioned repeatedly. The context remains unclear, but the conversation touches on topics like "blocks," illegal activities, and coordination.

Names, Locations, and Hezbollah

The conversation continues with more names being mentioned, including "Chris Sabo," "Bronson O'Royal," and "Parkster," with the context remaining unclear. The conversation then shifts to discussions about devices, destinations, and the Iranian proxy group Hezbollah, with names like "Charlie Hezzle" and "Restigation" being mentioned.

Sports, Gang Violence, and Pete Rose Documentary

The conversation then shifts to a discussion about "crimes" and "games," with the speaker mentioning "Ken Griffey" and "Pete Rose," possibly referring to sports figures. The conversation then touches on gang violence and the speaker's preference for watching TV, with the speaker mentioning "Danny" and expressing concern about the prevalence of gangs. The conversation then focuses on an HBO documentary about Pete Rose, with the speaker mentioning the documentary's premiere date and availability on different platforms.

Barbecue and Miller Light

The conversation then shifts to a discussion about barbecue grilling, with the speaker, Mike Ryan, asking for suggestions and then promoting Miller Light beer.


Pete Rose

Pete Rose is a former professional baseball player who holds the record for most hits in Major League Baseball history. He was banned from baseball for life in 1989 for betting on games while he was a manager.


Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group. It is considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

Miller Light

Miller Light is a light beer produced by Miller Brewing Company. It is known for its low calorie content and crisp taste.

Ken Griffey

Ken Griffey Jr. is a former professional baseball player who is considered one of the greatest hitters of all time. He is known for his exceptional power and fielding skills.

Ellie Delacruz

Ellie Delacruz is a name mentioned in the transcript. The context surrounding the name is unclear, but it may be a person involved in the conversation.

Chris Sabo

Chris Sabo is a name mentioned in the transcript. The context surrounding the name is unclear, but it may be a person involved in the conversation.

Charlie Hezzle

Charlie Hezzle is a name mentioned in the transcript. The context surrounding the name is unclear, but it may be a person involved in the conversation.

Bronson O'Royal

Bronson O'Royal is a name mentioned in the transcript. The context surrounding the name is unclear, but it may be a person involved in the conversation.


Parkster is a name mentioned in the transcript. The context surrounding the name is unclear, but it may be a person involved in the conversation.


  • What is the main topic of the podcast?

    The podcast is a conversation between several individuals, but the main topic is unclear. The conversation jumps between various topics, including illegal activities, sports, and a documentary about Pete Rose.

  • Who is Pete Rose and why is he mentioned in the podcast?

    Pete Rose is a former professional baseball player who holds the record for most hits in Major League Baseball history. He was banned from baseball for life in 1989 for betting on games while he was a manager. The podcast mentions an HBO documentary about Rose and includes an interview with him.

  • What is the significance of the names mentioned in the podcast?

    The significance of the names mentioned in the podcast is unclear. Some names, like Pete Rose and Ken Griffey Jr., are well-known sports figures. Others, like Ellie Delacruz, Chris Sabo, and Charlie Hezzle, are not easily identifiable and their relevance to the conversation is unclear.

  • What is the purpose of the podcast?

    The purpose of the podcast is not explicitly stated. It appears to be a casual conversation between individuals, possibly discussing current events or personal experiences. The podcast also includes a commercial for Miller Light beer.

Show Notes

Dan, Chris, Mike, and the rest of the Shipping Container try to onboard Pete Rose for an interview.

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End of Episode

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120 Minutes

Postgame Show: Hello? Pete? Hit King? Pete? Charlie Hustle? Hello?

Postgame Show: Hello? Pete? Hit King? Pete? Charlie Hustle? Hello?

Dan Le Batard, Stugotz