QOF Episode 180 - Kimberlee & Mr. Bones
It’s Halloween 2024 and I could not think of anything more fitting than to bring back that quarky little character called Mr Bones. I have featured this tiny TikTok Sensation a few times now on the podcast and it's always super fun to chat with Kimberlee about Mr. Bones with fun Halloween tidbits sprinkled in. Today, I’ll welcome to the podcast – Kimberlee Peers Moore
Find the Mr. Bones Sews on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/mr.bones_sews
Want to travel with Brandy?
2025 FESTIVAL OF QUILTS Birmingham!!! This 14-day tour of Wales and England takes in the rich textile history and breathtaking cultural landmarks. Tour England & Wales ending at the Festival of Quilts. Call Judy at 1-877-235-3767 or go to https://opulentquiltjourneys.com/destinations/britain/item/birmingham-festival-of-quilts-tour-with-brandy
2026 JAPAN CRUISE!!! Watergirl Quilt Co and the Quilter on Fire have teamed up to sail the seas on the Celebrity Millennium. Sail with us on a JAPAN CRUISE in 2026! Registration is OPEN and this cruise is already 50% sold! SIGN UP TODAY!
Quilter on Fire Website - https://quilteronfire.com/
OLISO IRONS - Host of the Quilter on Fire Podcast Lounge each year at QuiltCon!
Square One Textile Art Workshop
Link to Brandy’s email list
Kristy’s Quilt Picture Book
Quilter on Fire Patterns
Free Quilter on Fire Holiday Table Runner VIDEO
Moving Train Car by Anavrin.
KIMBERLEE60599 for 10% off
Rolife Super Creator DIY rooms ( Bubble tea shop, Tea Room)
Mr.Bones15 for 15% off
Real World Mini ( Mini Blender)
MRBONES for 10% off
Ormkraft Rotary cutters and mats
BONES10 for 10% off
Fifi Joy The Dutchesses Closet, so many tiny pieces were still working on it
MRBONES for 20% off!
Some notions we talked about:
Here's a link to FIGO fabrics if you are a store and you want to bring in some new stock! https://www.figofabrics.com/contact-us.aspx
Thank you for listening to the Quilter on Fire Podcast.