DiscoverOn Point | PodcastRebroadcast: Is the rise of AI the best argument for universal basic income?
Rebroadcast: Is the rise of AI the best argument for universal basic income?

Rebroadcast: Is the rise of AI the best argument for universal basic income?

Update: 2024-09-02


This podcast delves into the potential impact of AI on the future of work, specifically focusing on the argument for universal basic income (UBI) as a solution to potential job displacement. The episode begins by referencing the sci-fi novel series "The Expans," which depicts a future where AI and automation have rendered most jobs obsolete, leading to the implementation of UBI. The hosts then discuss a Goldman Sachs analysis that estimates AI could replace 300 million jobs in the US and Europe, highlighting the potential for a "too many people, not enough jobs" problem. The episode explores the realistic impact of AI on jobs and skills, acknowledging the potential for job losses but also highlighting the creation of new jobs and the need for reskilling. The importance of stability and security in the face of AI disruption is emphasized, with the argument that UBI is crucial for providing a safety net and ensuring that everyone benefits from productivity growth. The episode further discusses the role of business leaders in managing AI disruption, emphasizing the need for CEOs to develop plans for managing AI and generative AI, which will affect almost every worker in their organizations. The importance of using AI to augment workers rather than replace them is stressed, highlighting the potential for shared prosperity and win-win situations for companies, workers, and customers. The podcast explores the changing perceptions of UBI, particularly in light of the pandemic, which highlighted the need for a safety net and led many to believe that UBI would have been beneficial. The episode features real-life examples of individuals who have benefited from guaranteed income programs, showcasing the positive impact on their lives and their perspectives on the potential for AI to automate their jobs. The episode also discusses the need for policy change in light of the potential disruption caused by AI, arguing that the pandemic has highlighted the need for consistent assistance programs and that local initiatives are starting to trickle up to the national level. The importance of using AI to augment workers rather than replace them is emphasized, with examples of how AI can be used to improve productivity and job satisfaction. The episode concludes by discussing the tax system's role in AI disruption, arguing that the current tax system incentivizes companies to replace workers with capital, which could exacerbate the problem of job displacement. The need for a more equal treatment of labor and capital is advocated for, encouraging investment in training and education. The episode also explores the potential for a "hunger after you're fed" in a post-scarcity environment with UBI, discussing the challenges of finding meaning in work when material needs are met and the importance of addressing non-material needs and empowering people to choose meaningful work.


The Future of Work and AI Disruption

This episode explores the potential impact of AI on the future of work, specifically focusing on the argument for universal basic income (UBI) as a solution to potential job displacement. The episode begins by referencing the sci-fi novel series "The Expans," which depicts a future where AI and automation have rendered most jobs obsolete, leading to the implementation of UBI. The hosts then discuss a Goldman Sachs analysis that estimates AI could replace 300 million jobs in the US and Europe, highlighting the potential for a "too many people, not enough jobs" problem.

The Reality of AI Disruption and the Need for Reskilling

The episode explores the realistic impact of AI on jobs and skills, acknowledging the potential for job losses but also highlighting the creation of new jobs and the need for reskilling. The importance of stability and security in the face of AI disruption is emphasized, with the argument that UBI is crucial for providing a safety net and ensuring that everyone benefits from productivity growth.

The Role of Business Leaders in Managing AI Disruption

The episode further discusses the role of business leaders in managing AI disruption, emphasizing the need for CEOs to develop plans for managing AI and generative AI, which will affect almost every worker in their organizations. The importance of using AI to augment workers rather than replace them is stressed, highlighting the potential for shared prosperity and win-win situations for companies, workers, and customers.

Shifting Perceptions of Universal Basic Income

The podcast explores the changing perceptions of UBI, particularly in light of the pandemic, which highlighted the need for a safety net and led many to believe that UBI would have been beneficial. The episode features real-life examples of individuals who have benefited from guaranteed income programs, showcasing the positive impact on their lives and their perspectives on the potential for AI to automate their jobs.

The Need for Policy Change and the Importance of Augmenting Workers

The episode also discusses the need for policy change in light of the potential disruption caused by AI, arguing that the pandemic has highlighted the need for consistent assistance programs and that local initiatives are starting to trickle up to the national level. The importance of using AI to augment workers rather than replace them is emphasized, with examples of how AI can be used to improve productivity and job satisfaction.

The Tax System and AI Disruption and the Hunger After You're Fed

The episode concludes by discussing the tax system's role in AI disruption, arguing that the current tax system incentivizes companies to replace workers with capital, which could exacerbate the problem of job displacement. The need for a more equal treatment of labor and capital is advocated for, encouraging investment in training and education. The episode also explores the potential for a "hunger after you're fed" in a post-scarcity environment with UBI, discussing the challenges of finding meaning in work when material needs are met and the importance of addressing non-material needs and empowering people to choose meaningful work.


Universal Basic Income (UBI)

A system where every citizen receives a regular, unconditional cash payment from the government, regardless of their employment status. It aims to provide a safety net, reduce poverty, and promote economic security.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems, including learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. AI is rapidly advancing and has the potential to automate many jobs, leading to significant economic and social disruption.

Generative AI

A type of AI that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, and video. Generative AI is rapidly evolving and has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including creative fields.


The use of technology to perform tasks that were previously done by humans. Automation is increasing rapidly and is a key driver of AI disruption in the job market.

Productivity Growth

The increase in output per unit of input, often measured as output per worker or per capita. AI and automation have the potential to significantly increase productivity growth, but the benefits are not always shared equally.

Economic Disparity

The unequal distribution of wealth and income within a society. AI disruption has the potential to exacerbate economic disparity, as some workers may benefit from new opportunities while others are displaced.


The process of acquiring new skills or updating existing skills to adapt to changing job market demands. Reskilling is crucial for workers facing displacement due to AI and automation.

Meaningful Work

Work that provides a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and value to the individual. In a post-scarcity environment with UBI, finding meaningful work becomes a central challenge.


  • How realistic are the predictions that AI could displace millions of jobs?

    While AI is a disruptive force, it's not necessarily a net job loss. Technology has always been destroying and creating jobs, and this is likely to continue. However, the disruption will be significant, requiring reskilling and adaptation.

  • What role should business leaders play in managing AI disruption?

    CEOs need to develop plans for managing AI and generative AI, which will affect almost every worker in their organizations. They should also focus on using AI to augment workers rather than replace them, creating shared prosperity and win-win situations for companies, workers, and customers.

  • How has the pandemic changed perceptions of universal basic income?

    The pandemic highlighted the need for a safety net and many people came out of it thinking that UBI would have been beneficial. The experience of instability and unemployment during the pandemic may have shifted attitudes towards UBI as a potential solution for future disruptions.

  • What are the potential challenges of implementing universal basic income?

    One challenge is the "hunger after you're fed," where people may struggle to find meaning in work when their material needs are met. Addressing non-material needs and empowering people to choose meaningful work is crucial. Another challenge is the potential for social disruption if people feel that capitalism is not working for them.

Show Notes

Some estimates say artificial intelligence could replace hundreds of millions of jobs in the not-too-distant future. Why the rapid advances in AI may be the best argument yet for universal basic income.









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Rebroadcast: Is the rise of AI the best argument for universal basic income?

Rebroadcast: Is the rise of AI the best argument for universal basic income?