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Reduce Colds and Royal Titles

Reduce Colds and Royal Titles

Update: 2024-09-02


Hi there.

It's time for an all-new episode of News Bites.

I'm Jacob Ingram.

And I'm Kelly Kimura.

In today's episode we'll be talking about healthy eating and Britain's King Charles giving a royal title to a goat.

And for today's Tasty Tidbit: Pound Cakes!

Stay tuned for those stories.

Healthy Eating and Exercise Reduces the Chance of Colds

Fed up with catching colds?


There might be a way to help you avoid them.

A new survey suggests that eating healthy foods can reduce your chances (減少機率) of catching colds!

The survey was done by the Formosa Cancer Foundation (癌症基金會).

It wanted to look into the health of young children here in Taiwan.

Some of the results were concerning (令人擔憂).

For example, the survey found that half of all school children in Taiwan do not eat enough fruits and vegetables daily.

Now, it's no secret that fruits and vegetables are healthy foods.

They have lots of good things.

They help our bodies grow strong, fight germs, and work well.

Plus, they taste yummy and come in lots of different colors and flavors.

So it's a good idea to eat them regularly.

The survey also showed that 60 percent of school children don't eat whole grains.

You know what whole grains are?

Brown rice and purple rice count as whole grains, and so does oatmeal (燕麥).

These are also very good for you.

It also found that as many as 80 percent of school children don't eat soy products (豆類製品) daily.

Nutritionists (營養師) said it's not good that so many kids in Taiwan aren't eating enough healthy foods.

They stressed (強調) the importance of a healthy diet, noting that it can reduce your chances of catching colds by up to 8 percent.

They added that healthy eating and good exercise habits makes the chance of catching colds even lower!

Royal Title for Rare Goats

Have you heard of Britain's King Charles III?

Yeah, he's basically Britain's grandpa.

In other words, he runs the country, or rather, has a lot of people to run it for him.

But did you know that he has a special ability?

He can bestow royal titles (賜予皇家頭銜).

He recently gave one to a rare breed of goats (少見的山羊種類)!

This goat breed is known for living on a small island called Guernsey.

Guernsey is in the English Channel.

The breed is now known as the "Royal Golden Guernsey Goat".

Rebecca Martin, a local, owns an eight-year-old goat of this breed.

Her goat was the lucky one chosen to represent (代表) the breed during the British King's visit.

Rebecca hopes this title will help people learn more about these special goats.

The Royal Golden Guernsey Goat has a pale blonde coat, which the British King admired.

These goats are known to be friendly, gentle, and good at making milk.

But they are also very rare and are on an "at risk" list.

In other words, their numbers are very low, so they could disappear.

Christopher Price is the head of a charity (慈善機構) that aims to raise awareness (提高認識) about rare animals in Britain.

Price said this royal title is important, because it recognizes the goat breed's value.

He also said these goats are good for the environment, because they eat certain plants.

Price thanked the British king for his support.

So in today's News Bites,

A recent survey showed that around half of children in Taiwan don't eat enough fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are very healthy, and help our bodies grow strong, fight germs, and work well.

Nutritionists said that eating fruits and vegetables every day can help reduce the chance of catching a cold by 8%.

They added that healthy eating and exercise reduces your chance of catching a cold even more.


Britain's King Charles III is able to bestow royal titles.

Recently he gave one to a breed of goats, so they are now known as the "Royal Golden Guernsey Goat".

This breed lives on the small island of Guernsey, and is admired for its pale blonde coat and friendly nature.

But it's also at risk of disappearing due to low numbers.

The breed is good for the environment, as it eats certain plants.

It is hoped the title will raise awareness about the breed.

Tasty Tidbit

Do you know why Pound Cakes are called "Pound" Cakes?

The answer is actually fairly simple!

Pound cakes are made with four ingredients (成分): flour (麵粉), butter, eggs, and sugar.

When you make pound cakes, you add a pound of each ingredient!

Pound cake is a British creation that was first made in the early 1700s.

Pound cakes have a rich, buttery flavor with a dense and moist texture (口感紮實且濕潤).

They are the perfect dessert (完美甜點) to enjoy alongside a nice cup of tea.

That's it for today's episode of News Bites!

If you have a fun fact, a joke or interesting news story you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end of an episode.

We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!








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Reduce Colds and Royal Titles

Reduce Colds and Royal Titles