DiscoverNews BitesTaipei Shelter and Airline Noodles
Taipei Shelter and Airline Noodles

Taipei Shelter and Airline Noodles

Update: 2024-09-08


Hi there.

It's time for an all-new episode of News Bites.

I'm Nancy Sun.

And I'm Kelly Kimura.

A new home for strays, and a swap for a dangerous snack.

Then in today's Tasty Tidbit, the surprising origin of ketchup!

All that and more, coming up next.

Taipei Building New Animal Shelter

Stray animals (流浪動物) in Taipei will soon have a new place to call home.

The city is building a new animal shelter (動物收容所).

The city started working on the new building this summer.

The Taipei city government actually started planning (計畫,策畫) back in 2016.

But the project faced many challenges (挑戰).

First, the city government had to find a company that would build the shelter.

Then they had to find a good location (地點).

Then the COVID-19 pandemic happened.

And the cost of building materials (建材) went up.

It wasn't easy!

Overall, the project will cost $1.45 billion NT.

And it will take 1,140 days to build.

But when it is finished, the four-story shelter in Taipei's Neihu District will be the biggest shelter in Taiwan!

And it will be more than just a temporary (暫時的) home for animals.

The first floor will be a small medical center.

Animals who come in can get checked by veterinarians.

They might need some medical care, or medicine.

On the second floor there will be space for people to visit animals.

This way people hoping to adopt a pet can spend some time with an animal and see if they match.

There will also be a coffee shop on this floor.

The animals will live on the third floor.

Cats and dogs would live in separate areas (不同的區域).

And the Taipei City Animal Protection Office would be on the fourth floor.

There will also be spaces for the animals to play.

There will also be air-conditioning, and sound-proofing, to keep things quiet and comfortable.


This amazing place will open in 2028.

The city hopes that the new shelter will help more animals find forever homes.

Korean Airline Says Goodbye to Instant Noodles

Have you ever spilled (灑,打翻) hot soup on yourself?


Hot food and spills can be a real danger in the kitchen.

But what about in the sky?

One Korean airline was also very worried about this problem.

In fact, it was so worried, that it changed its inflight menu (機上餐點|).

Last month, the airline stopped serving instant noodles (泡麵) to some of its passengers.

If someone spills the steaming, soupy noodles…

Someone could get hurt!

Instant noodles have been a popular (受歡迎的) snack on the airline's flights.

But the airline says turbulence (亂流) is becoming more of a problem.

On flights, turbulence happens when there are changes in the air around the plane.

This can make the plane shake.

It can even make the plane drop down suddenly.

The airline says compared with five years ago, the number of times turbulence happens on its flights have doubled.

And hitting turbulence when you're holding a bowl of steaming hot soup…is definitely not good.


The airline hopes the change will make its flights safer.

Some people are happy about this.

They said they always worry about getting burnt by the hot noodle soup.

Some even said they don't like the smell.

But other people aren't happy.

They like the free snack.

And they point out (指出) that the airline still serves other things that could cause burns.

Ahem…hot coffee or tea, anyone?

But the airline is making other changes too.

It says it will start offering other snacks.

There will be sandwiches, pizza, or "hot pockets".

This is cheese, meat, and veggies wrapped in a crispy shell.


The airline says it will work hard to keep customers safe and happy.

Turbulence can be very hard to predict (預測).

And unfortunately, scientists say that with climate change, we might see turbulence happen more often than before.

So if you're on a flight, remember to buckle up, no matter what snacks are on board.

Safe travels everyone!

So in today's News Bites,

Taipei is building a new animal shelter.

It will have a medical center, space for people to visit animals, and even a coffee shop.

This amazing place will open in 2028.

The city hopes that the new shelter will help more animals find forever homes.


One Korean airline has stopped serving instant noodles to some of its passengers.

But the airline says turbulence is becoming more common, and they hope the change will make its flights safer.

It will start serving other snacks, like sandwiches and pizza.

Tasty Tidbit

Do you have a favorite condiment (調味品)?

Ketchup is one of the most commonly used condiments.

We eat all sorts of food with ketchup.

We add it in burritos, dip our fries in it, drizzle it over omelets…the list just goes on!

But did you know, over 100 years ago, ketchup was used as medicine?

In the 1830s, a doctor claimed ketchup could cure diarrhea and indigestion.

It was sold as "tomato pills".

But by the 1850s, no one was buying them.

And that's it for today's episode of News Bites!

If you have a fun fact, a joke or an interesting news story you'd like to share with us, record your message and send us your Tasty Tidbit to, and you might hear it at the end of an episode.

We'll see you next time for an exciting new episode of News Bites!








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Taipei Shelter and Airline Noodles

Taipei Shelter and Airline Noodles