Return to Sender’ing New Years Resolutions
Before you entertain thoughts about how you can do and be more next year or fart fart finish the year strong - what if you could identify who and how you are right now? Does this feel reflective of who you know you really are? Is this sustainable and is this way of being in line with the values you’re committed to living through?
Identifying where the end of the year not enoughness has and continues to come from let’s you know where to be returning the urgency that does not need to continue pulling you away from that much needed nap
So instead of setting inhumane resolutions, let’s plant some seeds rooted in our sense of self to nurture so we give ourselves a chance to thrive day by day
If you’ve been feeling the weight of being the only person in your family, friend groups, and networks who is doing the hard work of healing from your past and choosing not to pass your pain along to others, The Shit Shifters Society (SSS) monthly membership doors are opening until mid January. SSS helps adults breaking intergenerational cycles of harm go from feeling depleted, isolated, and like a shell of themselves to feeling nourished, supported, and like their full ass selves.
This Winter’s SSS theme is “Hygge Hibernation For Humanity - A Guided Sensory Reset to Sustain Your Resistance and Repair Harm”
Become a Shit Shifter here