S02, Ep. 07 - Diversity During Challenging Times (interview with Virginie Lemay-Vriesde)
Virginie Lemay-Vriesde is the only guest so far who has a second presence in our podcast. And that is because there are so many topics to talk about with her that we never get enough. In last year's episode (check out ep. 16 of season 1 - https://anchor.fm/impact-by-choice/episodes/S01--Ep--16---Active-listening-in-leadership-with-Virginie-Lemay-Vriesde-e3be7r), we spoke about women in leadership, her book "My revenge on life" (link to Amazon below) and many more interesting topics. Today, the emphasis of our conversation is on the topic of DIVERSITY, which has lead to an original approach our guest suggested companies should consider for interviewing, especially during these times of uncertainty. There are so many angles from which diversity can be regarded and adopted! We advise you take a good listen to this episode, as it is "highly educational", as per Rahila Khan's words. You can reach out to Virginie via: Website - https://vlv.coach, Facebook: Profile - https://www.facebook.com/virginie.lemay.92, page - https://www.facebook.com/Myexpatcoach/, LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/virginielemay1/, Twitter - https://twitter.com/Virgini37555867, Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/virginie_lv/, Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B07D7B1T74?_encoding=UTF8&node=283155&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-sidecar-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader & Email - virginie@vlv.coach *** Show also available on our YouTube channel - #BornFromLoveOrg - https://youtube.com/channel/UCFHkmCU3Y7NFbFuoLcX84Hg, where you can watch the video version. You are welcome to leave us a voice message if you are listening via Anchor.fm. Otherwise, you can send us an email at bornfromloveorg@gmail.com. Follow us and get in touch with us via social media: https://www.facebook.com/impactbychoice/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/impactbychoicepodcast/, https://www.instagram.com/impactbychoice/. Thank you for your time and support. In love & gratitude, Rahila & Andrada.