S02, Ep. 09 - Apologize to your children (interview with Monique Russel)
Monique Russel is an Executive Communications & Emotional Intelligence coach, a virtual speaker & trainer, upskilling communication at home and at work for African and Caribbean diaspora professionals. In today's podcast episode, we spoke with Monique about the importance of communicating our thoughts properly, the benefits of identifying the ways others express themselves and why is it important to apologize to our children. However, more to be discovered within the episode. If you liked this episode, feel free to share it around, give us a thumbs up, sign up and/ or leave us a review on iTunes. You can reach out to Monique via: Website - https://clearcommunicationsolutions.com, LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/clearcommunicationcoach/, Author work - thriveglobal.com/authors/monique-russell-1/ ***Show also available on YouTube, via #BornFromLoveGlobal - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHkmCU3Y7NFbFuoLcX84Hg*** Follow us and get in touch with us via social media: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/impactbychoice/, LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/impactbychoicepodcast/, Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/impactbychoice/. You are welcome to leave us a voice message if you are listening via Anchor.fm. Otherwise, you can send us an email at bornfromloveorg@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and support. In love & gratitude, Rahila & Andrada.