Sad Boy Radio CXXXIIII: Learning To Forgive? (D2X Interview)
Sad Boys For Real! Chicago artist, D2X, slides to PVTSTCK to discuss his album "Hotel 1105", giving up basketball and pursuing music, healing from previous marriage, and forgiving his parents & himself.
In the song, "Route Paradise," D2X says, "I'm getting older, I release resentment from my shoulder / forgiving my dad, myself, my mama, I was chosen." Often, instability while growing up instills feelings of anger and resent. D2X is reflective of his past-experiences, and the things that have instilled both positive & negative qualities within him. He soon realized these negative qualities were impacting his mental health; thus, impacting the people around him. D2X had to learn to forgive his parents, so that he can begin to forgive himself.
Also discussed, changes from "The Color Blue" to "Hotel 1105," starting to write "Hotel 1105" as a celebration and ending in tragedy, and understanding that he doesn't have to have all the answers.