Sad Boy Radio CXXXVI: Real Life? (Workrate Interview)
Sad Boys For Real! UK drill rapper, Workrate, slides to PVTSTCK, to discuss working on album for Palesteine, contradictions between lifestyle & religion, traumas, and being an imperfect human.
In the song, "Ridiculous," Workrate says, “We going through **** but we don’t say niche / just pray to allah cause we need his help." Workrate believes that the only person he can truly confide in is Allah; that "a man cannot show his emotional side." These are the circumstances that are created by people's environments; unfortunately, Workrate has been through more than most. Thus, instilling a numbness that has yet to be healed. Workrate uses his faith to navigate his real life issues, and looks toward Allah in times of trouble.
Also discussed, disconnect with family, self-realization, and being sober for 3 years.