Season 04 Episode 04- Michelle Gladieux, Gladieux Consulting
Communication. Its importance is a common theme in the safety industry, but how to properly communicate eludes so many of us—on and off the job. Michelle Gladieux is here to fix that. Founder of Gladieux Consulting and author of Communicate with Courage, Michelle is the go-to communication expert for everyone from NFL players to C-suite executives who want to improve how they communicate.
In this episode of My Big Safety Challenge, Michelle shares her insightful journey toward recognizing the critical role of communication—starting in elementary school when she corrected her teachers on how to properly engage with a spirited student to commanding the attention of packed auditoriums. You’ll learn why Michelle thinks we all need a “spice file” (while also learning what that is), plus discover how the thousands of decisions you make each day shape the way you send and receive messages.
Tune into this episode for practical advice and a fresh perspective on the art of communication.