DiscoverAttuned Leadership for Women: Rewrite the Rules of Success and SatisfactionSetting Boundaries and Making Decisions Using Body Wisdom
Setting Boundaries and Making Decisions Using Body Wisdom

Setting Boundaries and Making Decisions Using Body Wisdom

Update: 2024-05-08


Would you like decision-making to feel more clear and easy? Do you often prioritize others' needs over your own? How much time and energy could you save if you set healthier boundaries? This episode guides you to listen to subtle cues from your body and leverage them to make better decisions and establish boundaries without self-doubt.

Go to the Full Show Notes (for links and free resources):

00:02:00 - The Perfection Paradox's impact on women's decision-making. 
00:04:16 - Why it's counter-culture to tune into your body's wisdom. 
00:06:06 - How using Body Wisdom can contribute to social change and gender equity. 
00:07:01 - Practical steps to building body wisdom
00:10:11 - Crystal Frazee's example of using Body Wisdom for decision-making
00:14:24 - Homework Assignment: Do daily body check-ins
00:18:08 - Applying Body Wisdom to understand your personal limits
00:20:18 - Linking Body Wisdom to Boundaries
00:21:46 - Announcement of The Well Training Experience: A free virtual training session designed to deepen understanding of body wisdom and boundaries.
00:23:00 - Deep dive into understanding and setting boundaries
A deeper dive into what boundaries are and how to effectively set and maintain them.
00:28:27 - Applying Embodied Practices to Daily Life

Register for Crystal's Free Virtual Training - The Well for Women Leaders
June 6th 12:00-1:00 pm EST. It will be experiential learning plus Q&A on how to use Body Wisdom to feel more grounded and elevate your presence, communication, resilience, and impact.

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FREE Leadership Resources from Crystal:

Get updates about Crystal's upcoming book! REVIVE: The Working Woman's Unexpected Guide to Recovering from Burnout

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Setting Boundaries and Making Decisions Using Body Wisdom

Setting Boundaries and Making Decisions Using Body Wisdom

Dr. Crystal Frazee, PT