Shainool Jiwa on Lessons from the Fatimid Empire for Today
Sahil interviews Shainool Jiwa -- the Head of Constituency Studies at the Institute of Ismaili Studies and a specialist of the Fatimid Empire -- to discuss her insights on the Unique Aspects of the Fatimid Empire, its Governance Models Inspired by Prophetic Precedents, the Empire’s Inclusivity Toward Various Religious Communities, and the Intellectual and Social Contributions of the Fatimids. Jiwa reflects on the Challenges the Empire Faced, its Adaptations Over Time, and the Relevance of the Fatimid Legacy in Addressing Contemporary Issues of Governance, Inclusivity, and Social Justice in today's world. Interview: This interview was conducted for TheIsmaili.
Part 1: The history of the Fatimid Empire
The history of the Fatimid Empire — Time Index: 0:20
Challenges the Fatimids Could Have Learned From Other Empires — Time Index: 5:46
Part 2: What we can learn from the Fatimids: the role of the intellect and discussions/debates
What We Can Learn From the Fatimids: The Role of the Intellect — Time Index: 10:34
Resurrecting Public Debate in the Jamat — Time Index: 17:30
Bringing Back a Culture of Debate Among Ismaili Youth — Time Index: 21:47
Part 3: Emotionally driven and narrative-based approaches as part of developing one’s faith
Emotional Approaches in Faith During the Fatimid Period — Time Index: 24:03
Incorporating Narrative-Based Approaches to Reach Ismaili Youth — Time Index: 27:44
Part 4: Dr. Jiwa’s personal journey and her vision for the Future