Yasir Qadhi on Faith in the Modern World
Sahil interviews Dr. Yasir Qadhi -- Dean of the Islamic Seminary of America, an international Islamic educational institution, and a doctoral graduate of Yale University, specializing in Islamic intellectual history and thought -- to discuss his insights on the Reclamation of Muslim Identity Post-9/11, the Significance of Local Charity and Community Outreach in Strengthening Faith, the Challenges Posed by Atheism and Secularism to Religious Communities, and the Potential for Intellectual Responses to Revitalize Faith in the Modern World. Qadhi emphasizes the Importance of Interfaith Dialogue, the Role of Compassionate Leadership, and the Need for Muslims to Engage with Contemporary Issues in a Thoughtful and Constructive Manner. Interview: candidinsights.co/yasir-qadhi-interview
Experience in America — Time Index: 1:09
Change of “Muslim-ness” in Last 20 Years — Time Index: 3:09
Muslim Identity — Time Index: 4:33
Perception of Islam — Time Index: 5:38
Antipathy Towards Faith — Time Index: 8:08
Islam in an Academic Setting — Time Index: 12:31
Religious Pluralism — Time Index: 17:49
Interfaith Dialogue — Time Index: 25:19
Quality of Life as a Common Goal — Time Index: 27:25
Relationships within Humankind — Time Index: 30:14
Improving Intra-Muslim Relationships — Time Index: 34:00
Reason and Revelation — Time Index: 38:56
Role of Intellect — Time Index: 43:03
Personal Journey — Time Index: 44:57
Vision for the Future — Time Index: 51:15