DiscoverL'étrangerShow #476 : Internment Meddler SHH
Show #476 : Internment Meddler SHH

Show #476 : Internment Meddler SHH

Update: 2024-01-14




1. Hermetic Brotherhood of Lux-Or - M'hashasins 

from 'OHR' digital (ITA, 2023)

2. Khodumodumo - What The Fuck Are You Doing This Side?

from ST digital (nostalgie de la boue, CDI, 2023)

3. Born In A Headlock - Seek & Suffer

from 'Zazen' digital (Burning World Records, NL, 2023)

4. Maja Delak, Luka Prinčič - SOMA

from 'The Sounding of Temporary Small Arts Communities' digital (SLO, 2023)

5. Cristian Usai - My Cold Dreams

from 'From Paradise To Hell' digital (ITA, 2023)

6. Brian Ruryk - You Are Too Good For Your Own Good

from 'It's All Over Now' digital (scatterArchive, 2023, UK)

7. Le Diable Dégoûtant - Les Guillis du vide 

from 'Gal​è​res dans la Tourbi​è​re' digital (GLARC, UK, 2023)

8. Torpe - Na Pira onde me Liberto

from 'Opvs I - Opr​ó​brio' digital (POR, 2023)

9. голоса северной евразии - АРСВА_A (excerpt)

from 'а​р​т​ё​м' digital (North Eurasia Found Tapes, RUSS, 2023)


from 'DEMO' digital (SZÉGYEN KAZETTÁK, HUN, 2023)

11. Phantom Plastics: Michael Esposito and Patrick Esposito - The Tormented Souls of Manteno Asylum

from 'The Maladjusted of Manteno Asylum' digital (Spectral Electric, USA, 2023)

12. B​Ø​LTORN - Outlaw - Prayer

from 'Krigsverk' digital (KAMPF UNREST, SWE, 2023)

13. Botched Chadification - live at Sovereign House

from Vimeo, 2024

14. Seiji Nagai - V

from 'Oscillating Stars' digital (ato.archives, JAP, 2023)

15. An Interview with Anthony Braxton, 1971

from 'Selections from the Other Minds Archives' digital (USA, 2024)

16. West Lothian - Fresh Cans

from 'New Build' digital (This Machine Is Broken, UK, 2023)

17. David E. Williams – Shadowy Lesbian Pornograph

from 'A House For The Dead And A Porch For The Dying' LP (Prose Nagge, RE 2023, USA)

18. TECHNO MENSES - Martyr and Imperialist (殉教者と帝国主義者)

from 'Requiem In The Sun' digital (JAP, 2020 - 1984 RE)

19. George Antheil - "The Prostitute" from the ballet Capital of the World

from 'Antheil Plays Antheil: The Rare SPA Recordings and Private Audio Documents 1942​-​1958' digital (Other Minds, USA, 2000)

20. Kroppskännedom - Havet i dr​ö​mmen (Gitarr: Sofie Herner)

from 'Aktivt f​ö​rfall' digital (SWE, 2023)

21. Reading from 'THE EIGHTH SERMON TO THE DEAD' by JONATHAN HINE (Expat Press, USA, 2024)

22. Nick Hudson - For My Silence

from ST digital (Georgia, 2024)

23. Elena Kakaliagou - 2nd of January. Missios

from '9⁰ (7)' digital (901 Editions, ITA, 2024)

24. The Portage - Hands 1987

from 'Hands' digital (NZ, 2023)

25. Reading from 'Jacques Derrida Is Not a Werewolf (According to Nick Land)' by Alessandro Sbordoni (Blue Labyrinths, 2023)

26. Ънавь [Navia] - In Menstrual Night (Current 93 "Happy Birthday Pigface Christus" cover)

from 'О​т​ч​ё​т Из И​н​т​е​р​з​о​н​ы / Among Two Edges [Interzone Report / Among Two Edges]' digital (COD label and distribution, RUSS, 2019)

27. Cervine Birth - A Savage Messiah

from 'Dedicated to Social Worker Georgia Anne Brown' digital (moon musiq, USA, 2022)

28. Aiko Takahashi - It Could Have Been A Beautiful Evening

from 'It Could Have Been A Beautiful' digital (IIKKI, FR, 2023)

29. KOSMOSE - The forty-fourth untitled track

from 'From Quietness To Chaos' digital (INSANE Music - Alain Neffe, BE, 2023)

30. Соломенные Еноты (Straw Raccoons​) - Безалкогольная Прогулка (A nonalcoholic stroll)

from 'Заснеженный Дом' K7 (RUSS, 1995)

"This ruddy land sang its song

Mother Nature flew up to the cotton clouds

And over the capital rose a marvelous flag

So beautiful that one can't help but realize

And my girlfriend and I went for a walk.

We agreed to build a sober life.

We drank Fanta and snacked on a muffin

We threw yellow rubles into the Moscow River.

A nonalcoholic stroll

We rode the merry-go-round at the amusement park.

Forgetting the future, the past, love

And on that evening we said never to part

We bought a Bulgarian wine called "bear's blood."

The wine called for more booze.

We got some vodka and went to the theater.

I don't remember what the play was about, I only remember

The bourgeois were dressed as muskrats.

A nonalcoholic stroll

It got dark, so I called a buddy of mine.

And I scammed him out of five bucks.

We got brandy, then the bums came after us.

Thinking they could get a free drink.

Then I remember the laughter, the noise of the chase.

That clear look in your eyes and the angry clinking of knives.

Somebody's getting hit and everything's in the palm of your hand.

The ground screaming and the wild horses galloping.

And I'm flying ten thousand stories above the ground.

A nonalcoholic stroll

I wake up in the morning and find I'm home

There's blood on my face and the clock says it's one o'clock

I call you, you don't answer the phone.

I open the balcony door, I can't live like this.

I look up at the sky with the caution of a spy.

There's nothing to do here, this is the zone, the zone, the zone.

This ruddy land, why were you born?"









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Show #476 : Internment Meddler SHH

Show #476 : Internment Meddler SHH