Signs it's time to call BS on your five year plan!

Signs it's time to call BS on your five year plan!

Update: 2024-05-17


Ever feel like your brain is lying to you about your future possibilities and capabilities? Well, maybe it's time to call BS on that five-year plan and consider taking your side hustle full time! And I'm actually sharing the five key signs that it's time to transform your side hustle into a thriving full-time business.

Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

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Now, back to the episode!

Throughout this episode, we'll cover real-life examples, financial benchmarks, and essential mindsets that will help you make that big leap.

For instance, did you know that if you're making between 50% to 70% of your full-time job salary through your side hustle, it might be a sign you're ready to go full time?

I'll also share stories about my clients like Lauren Lefkowitz, who initially planned for a five-year transition but found herself leaving her full-time job in just five months.

Your brain might be lying to you about how long things take, but by recognizing the right signals, you can make better, faster decisions.

Once you've listened to this episode, you'll be better at recognizing the financial and emotional readiness required to switch from a side hustle to a full-time endeavor.

You'll also become adept at assessing your risk tolerance, ensuring you have a nest egg for those tight months, and knowing when you’ve crossed that line of "I'm done" with your 9-to-5 J-O-B.

All these insights will empower you to make well-informed, confident decisions about your business's future.

Timestamped summary

00:00 Benefits, vacation, side hustle, freedom, passion, signs.

04:24 Transition your side hustle into full-time job.

09:20 Maintain job while starting business for success.

12:33 Clients chose full-time passion-based work over security.

16:26 Consider sales volume, closing rate, and timing.

18:24 Archetypes don't affect basic financial needs.

22:58 ADHD struggles with one-size-fits-all.

If you're struggling to figure out if you should take the plunge and make your side hustle your main gig, this episode is your guide.

Click in, take notes, and when you're ready, book a Generate-Income Strategy Call with me.

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I can't wait to help you launch into new heights.

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Signs it's time to call BS on your five year plan!

Signs it's time to call BS on your five year plan!

Katie McManus ADHD entrepreneur coach