DiscoverThe Dan Bongino ShowSpecial Investigation Panel with Congressmen Chip Roy, Eli Crane, Andy Biggs, and Cory Mills (Ep. 2316)
Special Investigation Panel with Congressmen Chip Roy, Eli Crane, Andy Biggs, and Cory Mills (Ep. 2316)

Special Investigation Panel with Congressmen Chip Roy, Eli Crane, Andy Biggs, and Cory Mills (Ep. 2316)

Update: 2024-08-2618


This podcast delves into the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, sparking a heated discussion about security failures, lack of transparency, and the need for accountability within the Secret Service and other government agencies. The episode features a congressional hearing with five congressmen investigating the incident, who express deep concerns about the Secret Service's competence, accountability, and transparency. They criticize the agency's focus on DEI initiatives, its failure to properly communicate and coordinate with local law enforcement, and the disappearance of texts and emails after the January 6th pipe bombing incident. The congressmen call for a complete overhaul of the Secret Service, emphasizing the need for meritocracy, threat-based security, and greater accountability. They propose a zero-based budgeting approach, an independent commission to investigate the assassination attempt, and a cultural shift within the agency to prioritize competence and professionalism. The podcast also explores the broader implications of the assassination attempt, including the erosion of trust in government institutions, the importance of questioning authority, and the need for citizens to hold government accountable. The speakers discuss the potential for Iranian influence and security compromises within government agencies, the threat of political violence, and the importance of the upcoming election. Throughout the episode, the speakers emphasize the need for transparency, accountability, and a return to the rule of law. They call for a thorough investigation into the assassination attempt, a cultural shift within the Secret Service, and a renewed focus on protecting high-level officials.


The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump and the Need for Accountability

This episode examines the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, highlighting security failures, lack of transparency, and calls for accountability within the Secret Service and other government agencies. The episode features a congressional hearing with five congressmen investigating the incident, who express deep concerns about the Secret Service's competence, accountability, and transparency.

Congressional Hearing on Trump Assassination Attempt: Failures of the Secret Service

The congressmen discuss the failures of the Secret Service, emphasizing the need for meritocracy and accountability. They criticize the agency's focus on DEI initiatives and argue that it has led to a decline in competence.

The Disappearance of Secret Service Texts and Emails: Lack of Transparency

The congressmen discuss the disappearance of Secret Service texts and emails after the January 6th pipe bombing incident. They express concern about the lack of transparency and accountability within the agency.

The Erosion of Trust in Government Institutions: Need for Reform

The congressmen discuss the erosion of trust in government institutions, particularly the FBI and Secret Service. They highlight the concerns of their constituents and the need for greater transparency and accountability.

The Need for Activism and Independent Investigations: Holding Government Accountable

The congressmen emphasize the need for activism and independent investigations to hold government accountable. They discuss the limitations of congressional oversight and the importance of citizen involvement.

Addressing Conspiracy Theories and Security Failures: The Importance of Facts

Bongino addresses conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination attempt, emphasizing the need for facts and evidence. He discusses the security failures at the rally and the potential for a more organized attack.

The Importance of Transparency and Accountability: Restoring Trust in Government

The congressmen discuss the importance of transparency and accountability in government. They criticize the FBI's history of spying on American citizens and the lack of trust in government investigations.

The Failures of the Counter Surveillance Team: Lack of Competence and Oversight

Bongino discusses the failures of the Secret Service's Counter Surveillance Team, highlighting the lack of competence and oversight. He argues that the agency's focus on DEI initiatives has led to a decline in security.

Divine Intervention and the Need for Change: Systemic Reform in Government Agencies

The congressmen discuss the potential for divine intervention in saving Donald Trump's life. They also emphasize the need for systemic change within the Secret Service and other government agencies.

The Fight for Conservative Values: The Importance of the Upcoming Election

Bongino encourages his listeners to remain hopeful despite the challenges facing the country. He highlights the efforts of conservative lawmakers to fight for their values and the importance of the upcoming election.

The Need for Heads to Roll: Accountability and Investigation

The congressmen call for accountability and for heads to roll at the Secret Service. They discuss the evidence of failures and the need for a thorough investigation.

The Importance of Communication and Security: Protecting High-Level Officials

The congressmen discuss the importance of communication and security in protecting high-level officials. They criticize the Secret Service's lack of a security room and proper communication channels.

The Cultural Problem Within the Secret Service: Complacency and Lack of Urgency

The congressmen discuss the cultural problem within the Secret Service, arguing that the agency has become complacent and lacks the urgency and competence of the military.

The Need for Meritocracy and Threat-Based Security: Prioritizing Competence

The congressmen reiterate the need for meritocracy and threat-based security. They criticize the Secret Service's focus on DEI initiatives and argue that it has led to a decline in competence.

The Importance of Training and Competence: Protecting High-Level Officials

The congressmen discuss the importance of training and competence in protecting high-level officials. They criticize the Secret Service's lack of preparedness and the need for a cultural shift.

The Need for Uncomfortable Questions: Holding the Secret Service Accountable

Bongino emphasizes the need for uncomfortable questions and accountability. He argues that the safety of the President and other high-level officials is paramount and that the Secret Service must be held to the highest standards.

The Suspicious Digital Footprint of the Assassination Attempt Suspect: Potential Involvement from Others

Bongino discusses the suspicious digital footprint of the assassination attempt suspect. He questions how a 20-year-old could have erased his online presence and expresses concern about potential involvement from others.

The Failures of Crisis Communications: Lack of Transparency and Accountability

The congressmen discuss the failures of crisis communications in the wake of the assassination attempt. They compare the response to the Aurora cinema shooting and the Uvalde school shooting, highlighting the lack of transparency and accountability.

The Need for an Independent Commission: Investigating the Assassination Attempt

The congressmen discuss the need for an independent commission to investigate the assassination attempt. They express a lack of trust in the FBI and Secret Service to conduct a fair and impartial investigation.

The Importance of Expertise and Experience: Investigating the Assassination Attempt

Bongino highlights the importance of expertise and experience in investigating the assassination attempt. He introduces Mark Morgan, a former FBI agent and CBP commissioner, who has extensive experience in law enforcement and border security.

The Rule of Law and the Current Administration: Lack of Transparency and Accountability

This segment discusses the current administration's lack of belief in the rule of law, contrasting it with the 1992 Democratic National Convention platform. The speakers express concern about the lack of transparency and accountability from government agencies, particularly the FBI and Secret Service.

Restoring Confidence in Government After a Crisis: Transparency and Accountability

The discussion shifts to the need for restoring confidence in government, particularly in the wake of a crisis like a hurricane. The speakers argue that the FBI and other agencies should be more transparent and accountable in their investigations, providing regular updates and addressing public concerns.

The Assassination Attempt on President Trump and the Lack of Transparency: Questioning the Official Narrative

The speakers delve into the assassination attempt on President Trump, questioning the official narrative and the lack of transparency from the FBI and Secret Service. They express skepticism about the official story and raise concerns about potential cover-ups.

The January 6th Incident and the Double Standard in Investigations: Lack of Transparency and Accountability

The speakers discuss the January 6th incident and the disproportionate amount of resources and attention devoted to investigating it compared to the assassination attempt on President Trump. They highlight the lack of transparency and accountability in both investigations.

The Importance of Questioning Authority and Lack of Transparency: Holding Government Accountable

The speakers emphasize the importance of questioning authority and holding government agencies accountable. They criticize the lack of transparency and the tendency of officials to become defensive when questioned.

The Severity of the Assassination Attempt and the Need for Action: A Comprehensive Inquiry

The speakers discuss the severity of the assassination attempt on President Trump and the potential for it to have been even worse. They criticize the lack of urgency and transparency in the investigation and call for a more thorough and comprehensive inquiry.

The Need for Transparency and Accountability in Government: Restoring Confidence in Institutions

The speakers reiterate the need for transparency and accountability in government, particularly in the wake of the assassination attempt. They express concern about the lack of confidence in institutions and the potential for cover-ups.

Iranian Influence and Security Compromises: Investigating Potential Threats

The speakers discuss the potential for Iranian influence and security compromises within government agencies, particularly the Secret Service. They highlight the seriousness of the allegations and the need for a thorough investigation.

The Threat of Political Violence and the Need for Unity: Condemning Violence and Restoring Order

The speakers discuss the threat of political violence and the need for unity in the face of potential unrest. They emphasize the importance of condemning political violence and working to restore order and stability.

The Importance of the Upcoming Election and the Need for Action: Protecting the Country from Socialist Policies

The speakers discuss the importance of the upcoming election and the need for voters to take action to protect the country from socialist policies. They urge voters to get involved and work to ensure a Republican victory.


Assassination Attempt

An act of violence intended to kill a high-profile individual, often for political or ideological reasons. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump highlights the vulnerability of high-level officials and the need for robust security measures.

Secret Service

A federal law enforcement agency responsible for protecting the President, Vice President, and other high-level officials. The Secret Service has been criticized for its failures in protecting Donald Trump, raising concerns about its competence and accountability.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. A set of principles and practices aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion in organizations. The congressmen argue that the Secret Service's focus on DEI initiatives has led to a decline in competence and security.

Crisis Communications

The process of managing communication during a crisis or emergency. The congressmen criticize the Secret Service's failure to effectively communicate with the public and provide transparency in the wake of the assassination attempt.

Transparency and Accountability

The principles of openness and responsibility in government. The congressmen emphasize the need for greater transparency and accountability within the Secret Service and other government agencies.


A system in which advancement is based on individual ability and achievement rather than privilege or social status. The congressmen argue that the Secret Service should prioritize meritocracy and hire the most competent individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

Independent Commission

A body established to investigate a specific issue or event, typically with a mandate to be independent of any political influence. The congressmen call for an independent commission to investigate the assassination attempt, given the lack of trust in the FBI and Secret Service.

Security Failures

Instances where security measures fail to prevent an incident or threat. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump highlights the serious security failures within the Secret Service and the need for a comprehensive review of its operations.

Rule of Law

The principle that all people are subject to the same laws, regardless of their position or power. It ensures fairness, accountability, and predictability in society.


  • What are the main concerns raised by the congressmen regarding the Secret Service's handling of the assassination attempt?

    The congressmen express concerns about the Secret Service's lack of competence, accountability, and transparency. They criticize the agency's focus on DEI initiatives, its failure to properly communicate and coordinate with local law enforcement, and the disappearance of texts and emails after the January 6th pipe bombing incident.

  • How do the congressmen propose to address the failures of the Secret Service?

    The congressmen call for a complete overhaul of the Secret Service, emphasizing the need for meritocracy, threat-based security, and greater accountability. They propose a zero-based budgeting approach, an independent commission to investigate the assassination attempt, and a cultural shift within the agency to prioritize competence and professionalism.

  • What is the significance of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in terms of national security?

    The assassination attempt highlights the vulnerability of high-level officials and the need for robust security measures. It also raises concerns about the potential for more organized attacks and the need for a comprehensive review of security protocols.

  • How does the erosion of trust in government institutions impact the country?

    The erosion of trust in government institutions undermines the legitimacy of the government and its ability to function effectively. It can lead to increased polarization, distrust in law enforcement, and a decline in civic engagement.

  • What role can citizens play in holding government accountable?

    Citizens can play a crucial role in holding government accountable by staying informed, engaging in civic discourse, supporting independent investigations, and demanding transparency from their elected officials. They can also participate in activism and advocacy groups to promote government reform.

  • What are the speakers' main concerns about the current administration's approach to the rule of law?

    The speakers believe that the current administration does not uphold the rule of law in the same way as previous administrations. They point to a lack of transparency and accountability in government agencies, particularly the FBI and Secret Service, as evidence of this.

  • How do the speakers propose restoring confidence in government after a crisis?

    The speakers believe that restoring confidence in government requires greater transparency and accountability from agencies like the FBI and Secret Service. They argue that these agencies should provide regular updates on investigations and address public concerns openly.

  • What are the speakers' concerns about the assassination attempt on President Trump and the official narrative surrounding it?

    The speakers express skepticism about the official narrative surrounding the assassination attempt on President Trump, questioning the lack of transparency and the potential for a cover-up. They believe that the investigation has not been thorough enough and that the public deserves more information.

  • How do the speakers view the January 6th incident and the disproportionate amount of resources devoted to investigating it?

    The speakers believe that the January 6th incident has received a disproportionate amount of attention and resources compared to the assassination attempt on President Trump. They see this as a double standard and a sign of political bias in investigations.

Show Notes

In this special episode, I moderate a panel investigating the July 13 assassination attempt on President Trump, featuring Congressmen Roy, Crane, Biggs, and Mills. Watch the subsequent J13 Forum today on Rumble, where I'll feature as an expert witness.

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Special Investigation Panel with Congressmen Chip Roy, Eli Crane, Andy Biggs, and Cory Mills (Ep. 2316)

Special Investigation Panel with Congressmen Chip Roy, Eli Crane, Andy Biggs, and Cory Mills (Ep. 2316)

Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino