WARNING: This episode contains themes of domestic abuse, S.A., and Medical disorders.
Films in the pandemic have had a rocky road when they first premiered, but where did Swallow go after all this time? Is this a film to check out or could this be something hard to digest? Buckle up and get ready for this mental health rollercoaster of an episode
Part 1: Listener Discretion
Part 2: What is Swallow
Part 3: The missed marketing?
Part 4: Mental Health Bingo
a. Narcissistic Abuse
b. Pica TIMECODE 20:06
c. P.O.R. TIME CODE: 26:21
Part 5: The Director
Part 6: The caretaker
Part 7: What's next?
Song - New Horizons from YouTube library
Cover art by Emily Whitacre (https://teenytinycoffeebean.carrd.co/)
My Inglorious Ink series! - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Samantha-Parrish/author/B0BNQ2D7D1?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
I'm on Goodreads! - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20042112.Samantha_Parrish
How To Support The Show! - https://ko-fi.com/queenofthescreen#linkModal
Articles I've written - https://vocal.media/authors/samantha-parrish
My Linktree
Cover art by Emily Whitacre (https://teenytinycoffeebean.carrd.co/)