DiscoverTILT Parenting: Raising Differently Wired KidsTPP 344: Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything
TPP 344: Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything

TPP 344: Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything

Update: 2023-10-10


I’m going to confess something with you right here and now. When it comes to having important conversations with my kid, about tricky topics, big issues…things where the stakes feel very high, I often feel like I blow it. I get really anxious, if the subject comes up without any advance warning I fumble over my words, I very often say the exact wrong thing and then feel stressed about what I wish I’d said and then I often awkwardly force a do-over. You get the point. Am I the only one?

Okay, so if you are like me and you struggle with knowing what to say anything that feels big and important and potentially tricky, you are going to love this episode.

Because today I’m sharing a conversation with Dr. Robyn Silverman about her new book How to Talk to Kids About Anything: Tips, Scripts, Stories, and Steps to Make Even the Toughest Conversations Easier. And when Robyn says anything, she means anything.

Today we are talking about how to have conversations with our kids, no matter their age, about things like death, sex, diversity, depression, suicide, big feelings, and more, and even more, why it matters so much that we are safe, informed adults to talk about these issues with our kids, and how a little preparation goes a long way in terms of helping us feel regulated and calm. We want our kids to know that we’re always there to talk with them about anything and that we are their top trusted and safe source of information, no matter the topic.

About my guest

Known as the “Conversation Doc,” Dr.Robyn Silverman is a child and teen development specialist and host of the popular podcast, How to Talk to Kids About Anything, as well as the book of the same name. She is a cofounder of the Powerful Words Character System, which gives educators the talking points they need to help children become kind, responsible citizens of the world. Dr. Robyn has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS Early Show and Nightline and has been quoted on CNN and in the New York Times, Washington Post, and many other publications.

You'll learn:

  • The impetus behind Robyn’s new book How to Talk to Kids About Anything and why she decided to include so many expert voices in it

  • The biggest roadblocks that get in the way of parents talking about difficult or uncomfortable subjects with their kids

  • How to customize “scripts” for your individual family’s needs

  • Common mistakes parents make when broaching tricky topics

  • Advice for parenting kids who are struggling with emotional and mental health challenges

  • An example of how a conversation about a difficult topic might change over time and why it’s important that it is a continuous conversation 

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TPP 344: Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything

TPP 344: Dr. Robyn Silverman Explains How To Talk to Kids About Anything

Debbie Reber