The Greedy Jackal
Once upon a time, a hunter went hunting in a dense forest. Then his eyes fell on a black, fati wild boar. The hunter attacked the boar with his arrow. The injured boar also turned an dthrusteded his horns into the hunter's chest. In this way, the wild boar died due to the arrow
and the hunter also died due to the horn of the boar.
In the meantime, a jackal, tortured by hunger, came there. As he saw two dead beings, it
applauded its fate and said, "Looks like God is pleased with me today. That's why I found so
much food without wandering." The jackal thought that I should use this food in such a way
that it could last for a long time so I don't have to go in search of food now and then.
Therefore, today, I should make do by eating only the string attached to the bow of the
Thinking of this, the jackal started chewing the string of the bow. But as soon as the string
broke, the upper part of the bow hit the jackal's chest so fast that it squeaked and fell and
lost its life.
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