The Haunted Secrets of Disneyland: Insider Tales with Vanessa from Brite and Bubbly
Hey Strangelings! I'm excited to bring you a new episode featuring Vanessa from Brite and Bubbly. We'll dive into her paranormal experiences, her unique content, and get the insider scoop on haunted Disney secrets at Disneyland.
Check out Vanessa at and follow her on Instagram at briteandbubbly.
Episode breakdown:
0:00-3:47 - Announcement: Why I had a Hiatus
3:47-5:21 - Introduction: Blogging Days
5:21-7:17 - Myspace & Nostalgia Era
7:17-9:17 - Latino Representation
9:17-9:37 - Is JLo a Witch?
9:37-10:47 - Bone Throwing and Grandmother's Brujeria
10:47-11:47 - Brujeria in Latino Households
11:47-18:47 - Haunted Experiences
18:47-19:47 - Empath and Psychic Work with Marginalized Communities
19:47-21:47 - Empath Work: Levels and Advice
21:47-23:47 - Baker's Mansion in New York: I Knew Where the Bodies Were
23:47-27:47 - Why Are Basements and Closets Haunted?
27:47-32:47 - Spooky Disney and Theme Park Events
32:47-38:47 - Urban Legends of Disney Theme Parks: Eaten by Alligators and Missing People on Disney Cruises
38:47-40:47 - Why Was I Afraid of the Haunted Mansion?
40:47-43:47 - Vanessa Shares Disneyland’s Spooky Apartment Story
43:47-45:47 - Who is Haunting the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride?
45:47-47:47 - The Ghost Stories of Pirates of the Caribbean
47:47-48:47 - Little Ghost Girl Wandering Disneyland