The Joy of Winnie-the-Pooh with Christine Caccipuoti
Childhood joys never leave us. This week, we delve into all things Winnie-the-Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood with podcaster and historian Christine Caccipuoti as our guide. Christine’s loved all things Pooh for her entire life. With a mother and grandmother who loved Winnie-the-Pooh, these stories and characters were her destiny.
As the Co-producer and Co-Host of the incredible Footnoting History podcast, Christine not only delves into why she loves Pooh but also the history of the Milne family, the importance of maintaining the magic we find in childhood wonder as we age, and what may be ahead for Pooh as he and his friends begin to enter the public domain.
At the end of the podcast, I share the final passage of The House at Pooh Corner and how you can see the original Pooh stuff animals on display at the New York Public Library (and online) as part of a fantastic free exhibition going on right now.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Christine’s podcast, Footnoting History
- Christine’s Winnie-the-Pooh episode on Footnoting History
- How Christine got interested in Winnie-the-Pooh
- How her views on the different characters in the Hundred Acre Wood have changed over the years
- The importance of maintaining childhood wonder as an adult and why having things that bring you joy in your life are so important
- The differences and similarities between the A.A. Milne stories and the Disney Pooh stories
- How and why we gravitate to certain stories and certain characters within stories
- Why so many people relate to Eeyore and how compassion is a major theme in the Hundred Acre Wood
- The history of the Milne family and how Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends came to be
- How the Pooh stories are similar to other childhood favorites such as Sesame Street, the Muppet Show, and Charlie Brown
- The messages that Milne communicated to all of us about life and friendship through Winnie-the-Pooh
- What it means for Pooh to now (sort of) be in the public domain
- What might be next for Pooh and Friends in the years ahead
- How to see the original Pooh stuffed animals in New York City
Links to resources:
- Christine’s personal website / blog –
- Christine on Twitter – @mynameispurpose
- Christine on Instagram – @mynameispurpose
- Footnoting History (FH) Website –
- Christine’s FH episode about Pooh –
- FH YouTube Channel –
- FH Twitter – @historyfootnote
- Christa on Twitter – @christanyc
- Christa on Instagram – @christarosenyc
- Christa on Facebook – @AuthorChrista
- Christa’s website –
- Polonsky Exhibition of the New York Public Library’s Treasures –
- Winnie-the-Pooh and Friends stuffed animals at the New York Public Library – https://www.nypl.or