The Key to Creating a Thriving Family Dynamic
EP:95 All families look different.
Before I dive deep into the topic I want to preference that:
● whether you are a female And the working parent or a female and the stay at home parent
● whether you are the male and a working parent, or whether you are the male and a stay at home parent
ALL of your roles matter!
I think that partnerships are crumbling, and there's so much resentment and anger towards each other within partnerships. And on todays episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast I want to talk about one of the missing pieces that most partnerships do not understand….
No matter which job you're doing, it's not as easy or simple as the other pictures.
Being a default parent and a stay at home parent, being the parent who does the majority of the mental load for the kids is not a life of autonomy unless you work really hard to give yourself that autonomy within that life. You must learn how to regulate within the chaos of parenthood in life.
If you are the working parent, the pressure never turns off, if I don't show up, if I don't keep pushing, if I don't make it to the next level… What will happen if I lose my job? What will happen if I don't get the bonus? What will happen if I don't hit the next financial goal? Then we won't be able to go on the vacation, or I won't be able to. fix the car. There's just so much and the pressure continues. That emotional state never goes away.
I truly hope this episode helps to give you a little insight and understanding into the other side of the equation, more awareness, more tolerance, and maybe even a curiosity to dive deeper into getting to know each other's nervous system and how to support each other.
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