The Power of Rituals
When watching the time-honored pomp and circumstances of the Queen's funeral we are reminded of the role rituals play in history. Yet rituals are not just reserved for a monarch. As we practice rituals in our everyday life, from singing happy birthday to the folding of the American flag, we are taking part of a tradition that goes beyond ceremonial. Studies have found that rituals can add some positive benefits to our mental health. Dr. B. breaks down the surprising power of rituals and how different ritualistic practices, from sports to celebrations, can give us a sense of belonging and satisfaction.
Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break down issues and problems from a mental health perspective. From the incessant stresses of the pandemic to untangling relationship problems, Dr. B's years of experience help piece together the messiest of life's problems.