The Texas Chainsaw Underworld
It's about time for our Halowe'en special--and as luck would have it, I can think of no more chilling or eerie storie than the one we have to tell today. It's Odysseus' meeting with the shadows of the dead in the Odyssey Book 11. In it, both Odysseus and Homer must confront the ultimate existential crisis and grapple with the possibility that life itself ends in nothing but worm food. So why go on living? It's a painful question, but one a hero must face to make his way out the other side of death and come back home.
SIGNUPS OPEN: Register for Spring courses at The Ancient Language Institute
My book is out!! Order Light of the Mind, Light of the World:
Catch up on my livestream with Andrew Klavan (no relation):
Simon Netchev’s Odyssey Map: