DiscoverKnow Your FundaMENTALs, Hosted by Kelly Berthold, LCSWThe WHAT, WHY, and HOW of Mental Wellness - Know Your FundaMENTALs - Premiere 1/31 at 5:30am
The WHAT, WHY, and HOW of Mental Wellness - Know Your FundaMENTALs - Premiere 1/31 at 5:30am

The WHAT, WHY, and HOW of Mental Wellness - Know Your FundaMENTALs - Premiere 1/31 at 5:30am

Update: 2024-01-12


Premiering Wednesday, January 31st at 5:30 am

Know Your FundaMENTALs

My name is Kelly Berthold and I'm a mental health therapist that is launching a new free podcast this winter called Know Your FundaMENTALs.We may have an ocean of wellness information available to us, but it’s undeniable that we struggle to understand how to sail that ocean in a way that can help us live more of the lives we want, rather than just struggling to stay afloat. We want to do more than just keep our boats from sinking, we want to thrive, be resilient, and have a strong foundation we can rely on that can sail whatever the weather of life throws at us.

Know Your FundaMENTALs is tending to this gap that is missing - a foundation. Know Your FundaMENTALs is the podcast series that will give you an accessible, attainable, organized, straight forward step-by-step path of understanding and applying these foundations of mental wellness into your life now. These FundaMENTALs will be provided all in season one of this podcast.

I don’t need 500 episodes to get these foundations across. It’s everything everyone deserves to know and have access to, Researched backed and evidence supported WHAT, WHY and HOW of mental health and wellness - What you need to know, why it’s important and applies to your life, and how to implement it into your life, in a sequential order you can make sense of and build up from.Know Your FundaMENTALs is a bit like a podcast, wellness app, self help workbook, and audiobook all wrapped into one - again, for free. It is my grassroots effort to democratize mental health information that everyone should know, and tending to the roots of our humanity and our well being.

The Know Your FundaMENTALs podcast isn’t therapy, but it is an educational outreach effort to share publicly accessible mental health concepts, tools and information in a way that you can digest it and apply it to your life. Know Your FundaMENTALs seek to empower you with the science backed, evidence based, world-unifying publicly accessible information in a tidy package. What's the catch? When you do better, we all do better!Come for the education....Tolerate the puns...

I want to empower you to Know your power - with Know Your FundaMENTALs!

Know Your FundaMENTALs is run through MindCast LLC - check out all things Know Your FundaMENTALs on ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠ You can follow us at KnowYourFundaMENTALs on FaceBook, Threads, TikTock, and Instagram, kyfundamentals on X, and Know Your FundaMENTALs Podcast on Youtube. Our Spotify Know Your FundaMENTALs Playlist with over 15 hours of positive upbeat songs across eras can also be found on the ⁠⁠ website. Audio and Video with subtitles can be found on Spotify and YouTube.I’m just getting started so follow along for updates on first episode releases, and in the meantime check out the free resources, including free apps, classes and more on the ⁠⁠ website.You’re awesome just the way you are, and I look forward to sharing this all with you soon!⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠Spotify: ⁠⁠RSS Feed: ⁠⁠Youtube: ⁠⁠ApplePodcasts: ⁠⁠Amazon Music: ⁠⁠Castbox: ⁠⁠

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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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The WHAT, WHY, and HOW of Mental Wellness - Know Your FundaMENTALs - Premiere 1/31 at 5:30am

The WHAT, WHY, and HOW of Mental Wellness - Know Your FundaMENTALs - Premiere 1/31 at 5:30am

Kelly Berthold, LCSW and MindCast Media