The Why and How of Email Marketing

The Why and How of Email Marketing

Update: 2022-02-21


If you are not building out an email list, you are leaving money on the table.

And if you have an email list but are not regularly engaging with your email subscribers, you are leaving money on the table.

Listen to this episode to learn why email marketing is so important, has the highest ROI of any digital marketing channel, and a preview of my new free ebook to help you understand best practices in how to "do" email marketing right.

Download my free ebook, The Definitive Guide to Email Marketing, here:

Key Highlights

[01:54 ] Introduction to My Newsletter

[03:04 ] What I Realized About Influencer Marketing

[04:34 ] My First Ebook On Email Marketing

[05:18 ] How Email Marketing Benefit Your Business

[05:25 ] Choosing the Right Email Marketing Software

[07:17 ] Why You Have To Build An Email List

[07:46 ] Email Marketing ROI Example

[09:11 ] Another Data Point

[09:35 ] How To Know the ROI of What You're Doing

[12:06 ] Podcast Data Points

[12:42 ] How to Engage and Build Relationship With People?

[14:46 ] How to Build Email List

[16:08 ] How to Leverage Sequences

[16:38 ] Keeping It Human

[17:31 ] Make Every Email A Love Letter

Notable Quotes

  • Based on their business objectives, I realized that influencer marketing wasn't the only way in which they could reach their goals. And in fact, in some cases, it might even be the best choice.
  • And at the end of the day, everything else you do is on rented land, social media is rented land. If you're trying to get better search engine rankings, it's rented to YouTube, Apple podcasts, it's all rented land, we don't own it, the only thing we own our own websites, more importantly, our own email lists, right, which give us direct communication.
  • And we could say the same thing on a podcast and YouTube as well. This is content, it's gonna live forever in the search engines. It's out of your control, but you're building asset.
  • They continue to develop a deeper relationship with their customers, their customers continue to open their emails, and they continue to act upon what those calls to action are.
  • Because once again, they may see us on social media, they may not they may see us in search engines, they may not they may come to our website, they may not. But the email, we know that we can get in front of people, right. And when we get in front of people, we need to be strategic about how we do it. But if we are given the privilege to directly communicate with people, that gives us an opportunity to deepen the relationship on our timeline, rather than the timeline of an arbitrary algorithm.
  • I realized there was a gap in the market marketers were being misled on what influencer marketing was, they were missing out on an extremely impactful way of developing business of developing influential relationships of developing community.
  • We sort of sometimes take for granted th

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The Why and How of Email Marketing

The Why and How of Email Marketing

Neal Schaffer