DiscoverMichael MooreToday Make Sure You Are Properly Registered To Vote
Today Make Sure You Are Properly Registered To Vote

Today Make Sure You Are Properly Registered To Vote

Update: 2024-09-03


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Oh, so you think your name is already there because it was there the last time you voted? Did you forget one of the two Parties staged a coup 4 years ago to overthrow the election, to destroy our sacred vote, to literally destroy ballots, to destroy voter rolls? What do you think they’ve been up to since 2021? You best find out, because this time, to them failure is NOT an option. This time, empowered by members of Congress in at least 34 states who voted to overturn the 2020 election and who still won re-election in 2022, the Republican Party is hell-bent on making sure they succeed in making sure your voice isn’t heard or counted.

Fortunately, voter rights groups led by women, Black and Brown civil rights leaders, unions and civil liberties advocates have created a simple, safe system to make sure your place on the voter registration rolls is secure and that no one will stand in your way to Vote, to Early Vote, or to get an Absentee Ballot. Use the above QR Code to take you to where you can legally verify your registration (it will take 30 seconds). And if someone has tried to fraudulently expunge you, you can remedy that right now!

What’s the sense in us spending the next few weeks registering new voters if we ourselves aren’t sure we are properly registered? YOU MUST DO THIS TODAY!

In the 2020 election, 80 million eligible Americans didn’t or couldn’t vote! The number one cause was that they weren’t registered. And this number doesn’t count the thousands upon thousands who went to vote only to discover that the poll worker couldn’t find their name. You shouldn’t have to go through all this rigamarole just to vote. If we lived in a real Democracy none of this nonsense would be allowed. In Canada, you are essentially registered to vote the day you are born! They create your birth certificate AND your voter registration file minutes after you leave the womb — and then at Elections Canada, a federal agency in Quebec, they enter your name and the day you legally become a Canadian voter — exactly 18 years later to this very day. They will even track you down on that day in 2042 and send you a reminder that it is time to vote! All you have to do is go to a voting booth and confirm you are still alive! Like most other Democracies, they don’t believe you should have to be tortured by running an obstacle course just so you can have your say as a citizen. And when you go to vote, they don’t have thugs standing there at the voting booth forcing you to prove you are in fact a Canadian and not an illegal Mexican who’s walked 2,000 miles to rig a Canadian election. (Plus, anyway, they can spot the “illegals” because they are missing no front teeth due to an errant flying puck.)

Let’s all make sure we are registered today. And then let’s get busy registering the 16 million young people who have turned 18 in these last 4 years! I will wager you that damn few of them are Trumpster-loving bigots and misogynists. 


You’re probably wondering why do the Republicans spend so much time and money making it hard for the public to vote? It’s because they know it is now demographically impossible for them to ever win the popular vote again (they’ve only won it once in the last 35 years!). Most Americans do not want them running the country. So in order to win they have to suppress the majority vote. How sad when you know it’s the only way you can win. 


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Today Make Sure You Are Properly Registered To Vote

Today Make Sure You Are Properly Registered To Vote

Michael Moore