DiscoverThe Blogger Genius PodcastTransform Your Food Blog: Effective Ways to Sell Digital Products
Transform Your Food Blog: Effective Ways to Sell Digital Products

Transform Your Food Blog: Effective Ways to Sell Digital Products

Update: 2024-07-10


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In my newest episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, I sat down with Tammy Overhoff food blogger at Organize Yourself Skinny and digital product shop owner at Reset and Flourish.

Tammy shares her experiences and strategies for transitioning from traditional food blogging to selling digital products, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to diversify their online business. In this episode you'll hear her actionable advice and expert tips to help you succeed in the digital product space.

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The Journey from Food Blogging to Digital Products

Tammy Overhoff's journey began with her food blog, Organize Yourself Skinny, where she shared meal prep tips and healthy eating advice. Over time, she realized the potential of digital products to provide additional value to her audience and generate revenue. Here are the main steps she took to make this transition:

Identifying the Right Digital Products

Tammy started by identifying the types of digital products that would resonate with her audience. She focused on creating products that aligned with her blog's theme and addressed her readers' needs. Some of the digital products she developed include:

  • Meal Prep Lessons: Using her expertise in meal prep, Tammy created a series of lessons to help her audience plan and prepare meals efficiently.
  • Ebook Bundles: She compiled her best recipes and meal prep tips into ebooks, offering them as bundles for added value.
  • Healthy Eating Challenges: Tammy designed a ten-day healthy eating challenge kit, providing her audience with a structured plan to kickstart their healthy eating journey.

Leveraging Existing Content

One of Tammy's key strategies has been repurposing existing content to create digital products. This approach not only saves time but also ensures that the products are relevant and valuable to her audience. For example:

  • Repurposing Blog Posts: Tammy turned her most popular blog posts into comprehensive ebooks, adding additional content and resources to enhance their value.
  • Creating Mini Products: She used the Meal Pro app to offer mini products, such as meal prep lessons, which were derived from her existing content.

Building and Nurturing an Email List

Tammy emphasizes the importance of having a robust email list to sustain long-term success in selling digital products. She shares her strategies for building and nurturing her email list:

  • Lead Magnets: Tammy offeres free resources, such as meal planning templates and healthy eating guides, to attract new subscribers.
  • Regular Communication: She maintains regular communication with her email list, providing valuable content and updates about new products and offers.
  • Segmenting the Audience: Tammy segments her email list based on subscribers' interests and behaviors, allowing her to send targeted and relevant content.

Creating a Strong Sales Funnel

A well-designed sales funnel is crucial for converting leads into customers. Tammy shares her approach to creating an effective sales funnel:

  • Front-End Offers: She uses her ten-day healthy eating challenge kit as a front-end offer to attract new customers and introduce them to her products.
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Tammy offers additional products and services, such as yearly memberships and workshops, to existing customers.
  • Retargeting with Facebook Ads: She successfully uses Facebook ads to retarget website visitors and email subscribers, driving them back to her sales funnel.

Adapting to Changes and Challenges

Tammy's journey has not been without challenges. She shares her experience of being hit by a Google algorithm update in November 2019, which significantly impacted her traffic and revenue. Despite this setback, she pivoted her business and found new ways to engage her audience:

  • Hosting Challenges in Facebook Groups: Tammy hosts challenges in her Facebook group, which helps her maintain engagement and drive sales.
  • Diversifying Traffic Sources: She diversifies her traffic sources by leveraging social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Expert Tips for Selling Digital Products

Based on Tammy's experiences and insights, here are some expert tips for successfully selling digital products:

Understand Your Audience

To create products that resonate with your audience, it's essential to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Conduct surveys, engage with your audience on social media, and analyze your website analytics to gather insights.

Start Small and Scale Up

Begin with small, manageable products, such as ebooks or mini-courses, and gradually scale up to more comprehensive offerings. This approach allows you to test the market and refine your products based on feedback.









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Transform Your Food Blog: Effective Ways to Sell Digital Products

Transform Your Food Blog: Effective Ways to Sell Digital Products

Jillian Leslie