Trump's Depraved Embrace of Nuclear Weapons Would Endanger the World
SUNY history professor emeritus Lawrence S. Wittner: Trump’s Depraved Embrace of Nuclear Weapons Would Endanger the World
New York Times best-selling author Andra Watkins: ‘Project 2025’ Envisions an American Authoritarian Christian Nationalist Theocracy
Rally organizer Alex Chatfield: Coalition Campaigns to Stop Private Jet Expansion, a Luxury Our Climate Can’t Afford
Bob Nixon's Under-reported News Summary
• Bangladeshi students riot over job quotas for war veterans
• Sea levels rising alarmingly along southern US coastline
• States rethinking data centers as electricity hogs
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Produced by Squeaky Wheel Productions: Scott Harris, Melinda Tuhus, Bob Nixon, Anna Manzo, Susan Bramhall, Jeff Yates and Mary Hunt. Theme music by Richard Hill and Mikata.