DiscoverThe Blogger Genius PodcastUnlock Facebook's Hidden Potential to Build Relationships and Grow Fast
Unlock Facebook's Hidden Potential to Build Relationships and Grow Fast

Unlock Facebook's Hidden Potential to Build Relationships and Grow Fast

Update: 2024-09-18


In my recent episode of the Blogger Genius Podcast, I had a conversation with Devin Schubert, a business coach specializing in leadership, team building, and innovation through a Christian lens.

The episode dives deep into the strategic use of Facebook for building relationships and growing a business. Here, we break down the key takeaways and actionable advice shared during the episode.

Optimizing Social Media Profiles

Key Points:

Profile Optimization: Devin emphasizes the importance of a well-optimized social media profile. This includes a clear and compelling bio, a professional profile picture, and a banner that communicates your brand's message.

Pinned Posts: Utilize pinned posts on Facebook to highlight your story and the value you offer. A strong hook at the beginning of your pinned post can capture attention and encourage engagement.

Actionable Tips:

Bio and Banner: Ensure your bio succinctly describes who you are and what you do. Your banner should visually represent your brand and include a call to action or a tagline.

Pinned Post Strategy: Craft a pinned post that introduces you, shares your mission, and invites followers to engage with your content. Use a compelling hook to draw readers in.

Show Notes:

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Building Relationships Before Selling

Key Points:

Value First: Both Devin and I stress the importance of building relationships before attempting to sell. People are unlikely to make a purchase or schedule a call if they don’t know you yet.

Engagement Over Sales: Focus on providing value through your posts to build trust and rapport with your audience.

Actionable Tips:

Content Strategy: Share valuable insights, tips, and personal stories that resonate with your audience. Avoid pushing sales too early in the relationship.

Engagement Tactics: Respond to comments, ask questions, and engage in conversations to build a community around your brand.

The Role of Facebook Groups

Key Points:

Community Building: Despite claims that Facebook groups are declining, Devin argues they remain a powerful tool for fostering community and engagement.

Private Groups for Memberships: Use private Facebook groups for memberships to create a familiar and accessible space for your audience.

Actionable Tips:

Group Engagement: Ask engaging questions during the sign-up process to capture emails and nurture relationships. Tag new members in welcome posts and provide valuable content through videos and training sessions.

Content Sharing: Regularly share resources, host live sessions, and encourage member participation to keep the group active and engaged.

Engagement Strategies

Key Points:

Simple Communication: Devin highlights the importance of simplicity in communication and calls to action. Straightforward prompts encourage more responses and engagement.

Creative Posts: Use creative and fun posts to spark conversation and engagement.

Actionable Tips:

Engaging Questions: Ask simple, intuitive questions that invite participation. For example, "What time do you see this post?" can generate comments and boost visibility.

Fun Interactions: Create playful posts that encourage debate or sharing, such as asking whether a cup is half full or half empty.

Long-Term Mindset

Key Points:

Patience and Consistency: Devin and I stress the importance of a long-term mindset. Building relationships and nurturing trust takes time.

Avoiding Discouragement: Don’t get discouraged by low engagement on business-related posts. Visibility is key, and silent observers may still be considering your content.

Actionable Tips:

Consistent Posting: Maintain a regular posting schedule to stay top-of-mind with your audience.

Focus on Relationships: Prioritize building authentic connections over immediate sales. Trust and rapport will lead to long-term success.

Email as a Central Tool

Key Points:

Email Marketing: While social media is great for attracting followers, building an email list is essential for nurturing relationships and maintaining control over communication.

Lead Capture: Use Facebook to capture emails and grow your list.

Actionable Tips:

Lead Magnets: Offer valuable lead magnets, such as free guides or webinars, to encourage email sign-ups.

Email Nurturing: Regularly send valuable content to your email list to keep them engaged and build trust.

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Unlock Facebook's Hidden Potential to Build Relationships and Grow Fast

Unlock Facebook's Hidden Potential to Build Relationships and Grow Fast

Jillian Leslie