Utility 4.0: The future utility
Renewables, distributed generation, and smart grids demand new capabilities and are triggering new business models and regulatory frameworks. Data collection and exchange are growing exponentially, creating digital complexity but also valuable opportunities.
Utilities with assets in power generation often face stiff technical and business challenges in operation. While the technical challenges are different between utilities that generate conventional power with those that generate renewable power, the common thing that both utilities would agree on is neither operates without overcoming these challenges. These could be operation and maintenance, trading, flexibility management, or perhaps redispatch challenges based on regulatory and market requirement. In this podcast on Utility 4.0 we discuss these topics with Dr. Jonas Danzeisen, CEO and co-founder of Venios GmbH and get a fresh perspective on current trends driving the future of utilities.
This podcast focuses on:
- What is Utility 4.0?
- Managing complexity in a new energy system
- Why we need flexibility and re-dispatch
- Technologies driving utility 4.0
- How real-time virtual-twin technology offer a measured approach to control and optimize utility infrastructure
and also
- Why the evolving energy system is like a champagne pyramid
Song: www.Bensound.com
Music Info: Corporate Ambient - AShamaluevMusic.
Music Link: https://www.ashamaluevmusic.com/corporate-music