DiscoverCareer Talk: Learn - Grow - ThriveWTF Does All The Office Lingo Mean (Also can we just stop)?
WTF Does All The Office Lingo Mean (Also can we just stop)?

WTF Does All The Office Lingo Mean (Also can we just stop)?

Update: 2024-05-13


What we talked about on this episode: 

  1. Let’s take this offline: discuss it later and/or in a different setting 

  2. Touch base: briefly connect or update on a topic 

  3. Put a pin in it: postpone or temporarily set aside a discussion

  4. Think outside the box: consider unconventional or creative ideas 

  5. Circle back: Return to topic later for further discussion 

  6. Low-hanging fruit: Easily achievable or readily available tasks.

  7. Get the ball rolling: Start a process or initiate an activity.

  8. Move the needle: Make a significant impact or achieve progress.

  9. Buy-in: Gain agreement or approval from others.

  10. Close the loop: Complete a task or finalize a discussion.

  11. Ping me: Contact me or send me a message.

  12. Bandwidth: Capacity or availability to take on additional tasks.

  13. Hit the ground running: Start a project or task quickly and efficiently.

  14. Paradigm shift: Fundamental change in thinking or approach.

  15. Out of the loop: Unaware of information or not included in discussions.

  16. Play hardball: Adopt a tough or uncompromising approach.

  17. Push the envelope: Challenge limits or try new and innovative approaches.

  18. Put lipstick on a pig: Attempt to make something unattractive appear better than it is.

  19. Running it up the flagpole: Presenting an idea for consideration or feedback.

  20. Table that for now: Postpone discussion until later.

  21. Under the radar: Happening without attracting attention or going unnoticed.

If someone hits you with one, ask clarifying questions! 

Thank you for taking the time to listen, watch, and be here! I appreciate you! 


Have a great rest of your day! 









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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WTF Does All The Office Lingo Mean (Also can we just stop)?

WTF Does All The Office Lingo Mean (Also can we just stop)?

Stephanie Dennis