What if you could make the team faster than you think? Interview with Matilda Wilkinson
What if you could make the team faster than you think?
This is what happens when right place meets right time.
We have been so excited to watch Matilda in just her first 6 weeks in Krash course!
If you’re tired of wondering how to level up.
If you just want someone to lay out the plan for you so you can stop saving workouts on Pinterest.
If you are tired of feeling defeated after practice comment below with MVP and will send you details on how to apply.
We want you to be our next success story!
If you want to start down the path of being a powerful athlete on the track and in life click here to apply for Krash Course (here you can book your strategy call mentioned in the Podcast).
We breed athletes, MVP's, and badasses in our proven system that has helped over 500 people level up their game.
Follow me on Instagram for daily derby tips, tricks, and motivation @krissykrash