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You Might Also Like: The Ramsey Show

Update: 2024-09-16


This podcast episode features Dave Ramsey, a renowned financial expert, addressing a wide range of financial concerns from callers. The show begins with a caller seeking advice on investing extra money, leading to a discussion about real estate investments and the importance of owning property. The episode then delves into topics like divorce and financial challenges, emphasizing the importance of increasing income and managing debt effectively. Dave celebrates the 20th anniversary of his book "Total Money Makeover" and discusses the benefits of refinancing student loans. He also provides guidance on car purchases, emphasizing the importance of paying cash and avoiding new vehicles unless you have substantial wealth. The episode explores budgeting strategies for individuals with irregular income, highlighting the importance of using budgeting apps and prioritizing spending based on estimated income. Dave also offers advice on financing dental school, encouraging prospective students to find the cheapest school, explore scholarships, and consider working for the school to receive free tuition. The episode features a caller who is a millionaire seeking advice on paying off his vehicles and home using his IRA. Dave strongly encourages him to do so, emphasizing the benefits of being debt-free and the emotional freedom it brings. The episode also covers topics like marriage counseling, entrepreneurship, and the importance of a holistic approach to life, emphasizing the interconnectedness of finances, faith, friendship, and fitness. The episode concludes with discussions on work-life balance, debt management, and budgeting for high earners, providing practical advice and strategies for achieving financial peace and personal growth.


Investing and Property Ownership

The show begins with a caller seeking advice on investing extra money, leading to a discussion about real estate investments and the importance of owning property. Dave advises against investing in the property unless it's in the caller's name.

Divorce and Financial Recovery

Kimberly, a stay-at-home mom recently divorced, seeks advice on paying off a credit card in her name that her ex-spouse is court-ordered to pay. Dave advises her to hold off on paying it off and focus on increasing her income.

Total Money Makeover Anniversary and Student Loan Refinancing

Dave celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Total Money Makeover book and discusses the importance of refinancing student loans. He highlights the benefits of Why Refi, a company offering custom refinancing options with fixed rates.

Car Purchase Guidelines

Ryan, newly married, asks about the best time to trade in his car. Dave emphasizes paying cash for cars, avoiding new vehicles unless you have substantial wealth, and keeping the total value of vehicles under half your annual income.

Budgeting with Irregular Income

Leslie, a business owner with an irregular income, struggles to create a budget. Dave suggests using the EveryDollar app and prioritizing spending based on estimated income. He emphasizes that the issue is not a budgeting problem but an income problem.

Financing Dental School

Matthew, a prospective dental student, seeks advice on financing his education. Dave recommends finding the cheapest dental school, exploring scholarships, and considering working for the school to receive free tuition.

Paying Off Debt with a Million Dollar Nest Egg

Chuck, a 65-year-old millionaire, seeks advice on whether to pay off his vehicles and home using his IRA. Dave strongly encourages him to do so, emphasizing the benefits of being debt-free and the emotional freedom it brings.

Live Like No One Else Cruise and Business Challenges

Dave promotes the Live Like No One Else cruise and discusses Lucas's situation with his business owner friend who hasn't been paying him. Dave advises Lucas to have a direct conversation with the owner and set clear boundaries.

Husband's Spending Habits and Marriage Counseling

Denise seeks advice on her husband's excessive spending and refusal to budget. Dave strongly recommends marriage counseling and an ultimatum to address the issue. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and respecting each other's viewpoints.

Saving for Entrepreneurship and Car Purchase

Connor, a college student, seeks advice on saving for entrepreneurship while considering buying a car. Dave encourages him to buy the car if it's affordable and prioritize transportation. He offers a copy of his book on entrepreneurial leadership as a gift.

Construction Business Debt and Financial Management

Matthew, a construction business owner, struggles with debt and poor financial management. Dave identifies the issue as a lack of business acumen and recommends liquidating assets and seeking entrepreneurial coaching.

Aligning Financial Goals with Your Spouse

Benjamin, a new father, seeks advice on getting his wife on board with financial goals. Dave emphasizes the importance of communicating the "why" behind the goals and painting a vision for the future. He suggests using a sheet of paper to show the potential benefits of getting out of debt.

Holistic Approach to Personal Growth

Dave discusses Rabbi Daniel Lapin's new book, "The Holistic You," which emphasizes the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, including finances, faith, friendship, and fitness. He highlights the importance of a holistic approach to personal growth.

The Importance of Relational IQ

This segment discusses the importance of relational IQ in addition to academic achievements. A story is shared about a highly accomplished student who struggled to find a job due to her lack of social skills and interests outside of academics.

Financial Unity in Marriage

The discussion shifts to the importance of couples sharing finances in marriage. The speaker argues that sharing a bank account is as essential as sharing a bed, emphasizing the importance of financial unity and teamwork in a marriage.


Sunk Cost Analysis

A method of decision-making that considers only future costs and benefits, ignoring past investments. It helps avoid emotional biases and focus on rational choices.

Irregular Income

Income that varies from month to month, often due to commission-based work, self-employment, or seasonal businesses. Requires careful budgeting and saving strategies to manage financial fluctuations.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

The skills and qualities needed to successfully start, manage, and grow a business. Includes vision, strategic thinking, financial management, and effective communication.

Holistic Approach

A perspective that considers the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, recognizing that they influence and impact each other. It emphasizes a balanced and integrated approach to personal growth and well-being.

Baby Steps

Dave Ramsey's seven-step plan for achieving financial peace. It involves getting out of debt, building an emergency fund, investing for retirement, paying off the house early, and becoming debt-free.

Marriage Counseling

A form of therapy that helps couples address relationship issues, improve communication, and strengthen their bond. It can be beneficial for couples facing financial challenges, communication breakdowns, or other conflicts.


A final demand or condition that must be met to avoid negative consequences. In the context of relationships, it can be used to communicate serious concerns and set clear boundaries.


The state of having no outstanding loans or credit card balances. It provides financial freedom, reduces stress, and allows for greater financial flexibility.

Financial Peace

A state of mind characterized by financial security, freedom from debt, and a sense of control over one's finances. It allows for greater peace of mind and the ability to pursue personal goals and dreams.


  • What are some key financial guidelines for car purchases?

    Pay cash for cars, avoid new vehicles unless you have substantial wealth, and keep the total value of vehicles under half your annual income.

  • How can I budget with an irregular income?

    Use the EveryDollar app, prioritize spending based on estimated income, and save money during high-income months to cover low-income months.

  • What are some strategies for paying for dental school?

    Find the cheapest dental school, explore scholarships, and consider working for the school to receive free tuition.

  • How can I get my spouse on board with financial goals?

    Communicate the "why" behind the goals, paint a vision for the future, and show them the potential benefits of getting out of debt.

  • What is the importance of a holistic approach to life?

    It recognizes the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, emphasizing a balanced and integrated approach to personal growth and well-being.

  • What is the importance of relational IQ in addition to academic achievements?

    Relational IQ, or the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships, is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. It complements academic achievements by fostering social skills, empathy, and communication, which are essential for navigating the complexities of life.

  • Why is it important for couples to share finances in marriage?

    Sharing finances in marriage promotes financial unity and teamwork, allowing couples to work together towards shared goals and make informed decisions about their money. It fosters trust, transparency, and a sense of partnership in managing their financial well-being.

  • How can I manage my finances when I have an irregular income?

    Budgeting with irregular income requires careful tracking of expenses and creating a plan for managing bonuses. It's essential to allocate funds for essential expenses, debt repayment, and savings, while also considering the potential fluctuations in income.

  • What are some tips for finding a rental property when you have limited credit history?

    When applying for rentals with limited credit history, it's crucial to be proactive and communicate directly with property managers. Highlight your financial stability, such as savings or a steady income, and be prepared to provide documentation to support your application.

  • What should I do if I have a significant amount of debt and am struggling to manage my finances?

    Facing overwhelming debt can be daunting, but it's important to remember that there are resources and strategies available to help. Seek professional financial advice, create a budget, and prioritize debt repayment. Be prepared to make difficult decisions, such as selling assets, to get back on track.

Show Notes

Introducing THIS Is How You Become A Millionaire In America Today from The Ramsey Show.

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Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should I improve the property that I'm renting from my family?"

  • "Should I wait for my ex to pay off debt in my name that he was court ordered to pay?"

  • How to know if you should keep repairing a vehicle or if it's time to upgrade

  • "How do I use EveryDollar with irregular income?"

  • A caller that finds out on air that he's finally a millionaire

  • "My boss hasn't paid me the last three pay checks but I'm concerned the company will go under if I leave"

  • "I have $360k in debt, just found out I'm having a baby, and I don't know what to do"

  • Rabbi Daniel Lapin joins to discuss his new book, The Holistic You

  • "I'm restarting my life after a divorce - can I afford to put 10% down on a house?"

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