oim Podcasts

Best oim podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)



El Pasaje:OIM Argentina + Posta

El Pasaje

El pasaje es el inicio y es el viaje. Es el tránsito, es cambio. Es dejar algo atrás para construir otro futuro. Te damos la bienvenida a El Pasaje: historias de migraciones y transformaciones. Conducido por Kevin Johansen. Un podcast original de OIM Argentina, en colaboración con Posta.




頭の中でずっと会話してますよね みして


En Movimiento:OIM- Organización Internacional para las Migraciones

En Movimiento

La Organización Internacional para Migraciones - OIM presenta En Movimiento: un podcast para mover ideas sobre migración.


Raíces en Movimiento:Javicoro + OIM Argentina

Raíces en Movimiento

"Raíces en Movimiento" es un podcast donde conversamos con migrantes que han superado obstáculos y desafíos, compartiendo sus vivencias, lecciones de vida y exploramos sus historias inspiradoras. Nos centramos en temas cruciales como la adaptación a una nueva cultura, el proceso de establecimiento en un país extranjero (Argentina). Cada episodio es un viaje emocionante a través de las experiencias personales de individuos valientes que han dejado sus países de origen en busca de una vida. Un podcast original de Javicoro, en colaboración de OIM Argentina.


Spartan Foundation:OIM Lampung

Spartan Foundation

Pengukir sejarah baru


Cuenta la Tambora:OIM - USAID, en alianza con CANALES

Cuenta la Tambora

“Cuenta la tambora”, un programa radial en formato podcast con intencionalidad pedagógica, para fortalecer competencias académicas en las áreas de matemáticas, lectura crítica y ciencias naturales que se evalúan en las Pruebas Saber para estudiantes de los grados noveno, décimo y undécimo. Esta constituye una herramienta dinámica y de apoyo para orientar el trabajo autónomo de los estudiantes en modalidad no presencial, de alternancia académica o en el aula escolar.


A 90 por hora:O I M

A 90 por hora

Podcast sobre temas varios y experiencia sobre mi vida en un camión.


Oim Assassine:Halick Chabi Talata

Oim Assassine



Parole Nuove:OIM Mediterraneo

Parole Nuove

Il podcast che racconta la migrazione con le parole che non c'erano.


One Identity Movement:Samuel C. Petty

One Identity Movement

Based in the grand southside region of Virginia, our location serves a constant reminder that we are called "lovers," not only of our state but of the Father's Heart. The story of One Identity Movement began in 2018 when a young college student began to walk in the reality of the simple truth: "God is Good and His Image is My Identity." Since then we have evolved into a faith-based, business organization that impacts many people not only through our discipleship, but our design(s), apparel, our teaching, and our words. One Identity Movement or "OIM" as many call it, has one major purpose, stemming from Haggai 2:7, that "The Father's Heart would be the desire of all nations." This is a truth we choose to live by and one we will share with everyone we come in contact with. We believe that we have tasted of The Father's goodness and the places He desires to take us are only a small step in His overarching design to redeem the world into His eternal Kingdom. Therefore, our covenant is to start a movement that sparks simple conversations that will merge into deepening relationships, newfound freedom, and real identity in Christ. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: www.oneidentitymovement.com


Cruzando Fronteras:SER Podcast

Cruzando Fronteras

Más de 7 millones de personas han salido de Venezuela en busca de protección, oportunidades y una vida mejor. Sus experiencias son historias conmovedoras sobre los desafíos que deben enfrentar las personas refugiadas y migrantes, y de su fortaleza para superarlos. En este podcast, producido en colaboración con ACNUR y OIM, en el marco de R4V, conocemos la larga travesía de Hugo Boscán en la búsqueda de su lugar en el mundo.


Haciendo Campo:OIM Colombia

Haciendo Campo

En los podcast de “Haciendo campo” los hombres y mujeres de seis asociaciones agropecuarias en Colombia, cuentan las historias de cómo convirtieron sus tierras en nuevas empresas. Yogur con frutos amazónicos, platanitos maduros de paquete y queso de banco son algunos de los emprendimientos que están cambiando la vida de campesinos afectados por el conflicto que hoy reviven la productividad de su territorio. Este proyecto fue posible gracias al apoyo del Programa de Víctimas de USAID y OIM; y la participación de Territorio de Aprendizaje.


Only In Movies Podcast:Danny and Amado

Only In Movies Podcast

The Only In Movies Podcast is centered around those moments when you are watching a movie and think..."Did that just happen?". Join us for a unique experience, with quick witted banter and the big reveal of which scenes made the Only In Movies list. The Only In Movies Podcast is not just another movie review podcast, the hosts, Amado and Danny focus on those questionable scenes (WARNING: Spoilers included) and provide an insightful and hilarious breakdown of things that happen... Only In Movies.


The Ellie Sax Tape:Ellie Sax

The Ellie Sax Tape

The Ellie Sax Tape is a weekly mix of Ellie’s favourite tracks. The perfect place to hear new music and get into the Weekend Mood. Check out her socials for up to date gig dates, videos and more: http://www.facebook.com/elliesaxophone/ http://www.instagram.com/ellie.sax/ And follow the Ellie Sax Tape on Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/playlist/4bAaOimKipx7SraYkg6xEe?si=a4YFHCgoRZaI6_9LtAYD1g


One Identity Movement Podcast:One Identity Movement

One Identity Movement Podcast

Based in the grand southside region of Virginia, our location serves a constant reminder that we are called "lovers," not only of our state but of the Father's Heart. The story of One Identity Movement began in 2018 when a young college student began to walk in the reality of the simple truth: "God is Good and His Image is My Identity." Since then we have evolved into a faith-based, business organization that impacts many people not only through our discipleship, but our design(s), apparel, our teaching, and our words. One Identity Movement or "OIM" as many call it, has one major purpose, stemming from Haggai 2:7, that "The Father's Heart would be the desire of all nations." This is a truth we choose to live by and one we will share with everyone we come in contact with. We believe that we have tasted of The Father's goodness and the places He desires to take us are only a small step in His overarching design to redeem the world into His eternal Kingdom. Therefore, our covenant is to start a movement that sparks simple conversations that will merge into deepening relationships, newfound freedom, and real identity in Christ. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: www.oneidentitymovement.com




Hi, 我是元榛,我五年前開始學習馬雅曆~因為生活上的不順,發現原來每天的心情和過得順不順都跟馬雅曆法的每日能量流運作息息相關,每日能量流成為一個自由活出每一天精不精彩的指標。在這裡,我會跟你分享每天的馬雅流日,如何透過支持與推動,挑戰與指引的能量,應用在你的生活上。同時,也跟你分享我每天如何運用馬雅流日來過生活。希望你也可以因為美好的馬雅,而成就自己的美好的一天! *想知道更多關於馬雅曆法的基本知識或每日運勢嗎? 可以到:美好的maya臉書粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/wonder4maya ☼想要訂購馬雅曆相關能量小物嗎? 歡迎點入連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1edU8V6L6JHLcp6I6KPkrjNrOimGex5KaQ8AOgaErchk/edit?fbclid=IwAR3atsTqe1Qg8yXCZNxAA-yWjyloqb0x3jq1JvhHLELZYEJd5PBOdayk750 美好的maya彩繪能量牌卡線上熱賣中....歡迎粉專私訊 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn


Leading 2 Profits:Rob Fletcher

Leading 2 Profits

Lean Manufacturing has been my passion since the beginning of the 1990's. I've been very fortunate in my career to have many great opportunities to learn, practice and teach Lean Manufacturing. To be quite honest, I really want to extend my reach at this point in my career and help as many businesses as possible enjoy the rewards that a lean journey will bring. Although I chose "Leading to Profits", a lean journey brings so many more rewards than profits. If you are new to the concept of Lean, listen to a few episodes and hopefully you will be inspired to take the first steps down a prosperous and exciting journey. If you are already experienced, you will enjoy hearing stories and viewpoints on Lean and Continuous Improvement.

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